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4.7.1 Beta 2 - Future publishing - topic's 'Publish' information isn't updated when editing a topic

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Reproduction steps - number 1:

  1. Create a topic - nothing special, accept the defaults
  2. Edit the topic
  3. Modify the 'Publish' setting from 'Immediately' to some date in the future of your own choice
  4. Save the change
  5. Expected result
    • Topic has been modified to be published in the future, and can only be seen by those with permissions to see those type of topics
  6. Actual result
    • The change isn't saved, and the topic is still visible to all who have permissions to view topics in that forum

Reproduction steps - number 2:

  1. Create a topic, modify the 'Publish' setting from 'Immediately' to some date in the future of your own choice
  2. Edit the topic
  3. Modify the 'Publish' setting to a different date/time of your own choice
  4. Save the change
  5. Expected result
    • Hover over the icon displaying the 'To be published' information and the topic is set to be published on the new date/time
  6. Actual result
    • Change isn't saved, and the publishing time is still set to the original value

Tested with PHP 7.4.30 on my test site, and PHP 8.0.21 & 8.1.8 on localhost test sites

Q: Are all applications/plugins disabled?

A: None are installed on the test site, and all are disabled on the localhost test sites.



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3 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

I think the error here is to show the field when editing a topic. Once the topic is created, it shouldn’t be there as it is already published.

That would cover the first set of reproduction steps (existing topic being changed to future publishing - fully agreed that the field shouldn't be shown. Cue 'feature enhancement request' if it is removed in that case)

But the second set of reproduction steps is valid - changing the publish time on an unpublished topic is going to be expected.

Edited by Nathan Explosion
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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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