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Looking for guidance: Custom block for external RSS feeds


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Hi all, I'm a newbie to the community.

Edit: first of all, apologies for the size of the attachment. I didn't realise it was so big!


I've recently upgraded my installation and I'm trying to rebuild some of the RSS functionality from my old site that I'd pieced together from various scripts. I'm trying to contain everything within IPS rather than use MySQL or server scripts.

The old site pulled in a variety of feeds aggregated using www.rssmix.com and parsed using MagpieRSS: RSS for PHP. I've attached a screengrab of the old site for reference. Here's is an example of one of the old feed xml urls, although I am considering moving to a more robust commercial service such which produced a feed structured like this xml url.


A key feature I need is the ability to include Google 'in-feed' ads to monetise the site.

I don't need to pull in RSS items as individual articles with comments functionality or anything like that - I just need to render the feed as a regularly updated list, and each list item to contain the linked title, publisher's name, date, brief snippet of content and a thumbnail (if available) - I want to support the news websites by redirecting our visitors to them.


I've had a go at customising the RSS Import block but I'm not sure if the functionality is available with IPS Javascript.

I have the Pages application installed and was intrigued by this article but I'm not sure if Pages is the best was to proceed.


Any help or advice would be warmly welcomed!

Thanks in advance

Shetlink home Jan2021 Screenshot.png

Edited by B_W_P
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