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how do i remove the "A Test Forum"


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as the title says I would like to remove the "A test forum" part of my forums from my website's title. 


Also, anyone got any good email server recommendations? I have the URL registered though Dreamhost... should I just use them as my email provider for my domain as well ? 

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29 minutes ago, sweethoney said:

when you make your own forums it will be removed in the admin cp under forum settings

sorry no 1 has answered you in this topic  witch im kinda shock emm

thanks for the reply.

i worked it out thanks to your comment :p

dont suppose you could advise on my other question ? "

Also, anyone got any good email server recommendations? I have the URL registered though Dreamhost... should I just use them as my email provider for my domain as well ? "

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I guess a business email... i don't think IPS provides email accounts but i CAN get them through my domain register i guess what i wanna know is if i DO get email's through my register is there a way to link it into the IPS system to have IPS generate the emails for me and have the automated? 

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