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Feature suggestion: Members flag as spammer


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As per [url=" topic.

We would like to give a group of trusted/established member access to the 'Flag as Spammer' button, rather than just the 'report post' button or global 'soft delete' privileges.

There are four issues we have come across:
We're trying to cut down on elevated staff-status moderators in favour of community-based peer moderation among known/established/trusted users. Extending them the right to flag spammers (removing their posting ability and unapproving all their recent posts) would be ideal, but the restrictions above force us to separate staff from members more than we would like. The only thing we can do currently is to give the group soft-delete privileges. But this is less simple to manage than the "flag as spammer" process, doesn't soft-delete all of the users' posts, doesn't restrict their posting ability, and doesn't report it to admins. So the request is simply to be able to give a user group the right to flag-as-spammer, with some groups excluded from being flagged by the group.

[*]Without making them Global Moderators, they can only use the tiny green icon next to the members' name alongside a post, not the user profile button. Can we give them the right globally? [*]Without making them Global Moderators, we have to add the members or group as a moderator to every single subforum. This is awkward to except with SQL. Is there no way to do this globally? [*]Adding the group as a flag-only moderator to any forum also makes every member in that group show up in the list of moderators, and shows the group under each subforum name. Could they be excluded from this list and the subforum list? I think we could use a secondary group, but then we couldn't automatically promote users who have been here X years to that (without cron+sql). If there was a global option, then they wouldn't show up under each forum at least. [*]They can mark Administrators & Moderators as spammers. I understand the logic (in case of compromised accounts) but we don't want to extend privileges that far. Can they be excluded (as they can for warning etc)?


I believe it is possible to exclude member groups from being marked as spam by anyone, not sure whether this is a setting or if it applies for Admins / Super Moderators only, by default (would not match your story though...).

I do agree that it's odd that these members can't flag a member as spam from their profile, but can from topic view (we noticed this as well). I think you could fix it by editing the skin, I'll have a look.

Edit: doesn't seem to be any difference in the skin (between the flag as spammer in the user popup and the flag as spammer in the profile), odd.

I believe it has to do with these 'helpers' not being able to moderate in any forum (not being a super moderator) and therefore they can only flag members as spammers from inside 'their' forums.

  • 6 months later...


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