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July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Charles' date='12 July 2009 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1247450411' post='1825184'] (split bobage's posts from other topic he hijacked) So disagreeing with a post is now called hijacking? Interesting. Those replies were only on one day out of the 5 I waited, and the majority of those replies were made by me in an attempt to get your staff's attention. I Thanks. I have seen more of it than I care to count. They are gone forever, so I can't prove it, but I know what I have seen happen on this forum. I see two that are waiting customer response that I didn't care to respond too. I actually made a few specific complaints in the ticket I submitted. Finally, to say we ignore clients or anything is just ridiculous. All we do is take in customer feedback. In fact, 3.0.1 is completely a case of fixing customer-reported issues and making changes based on feedback. We are happy to converse with about specific issues. But please, stop looking for feedback topics posted by other clients to express your anger. I listed specific issues in this topic. Even yourself you have mentioned that support has been slow in this topic, so there is a specific issue right there, and one where you even admit to being a problem. Quote You brought the ticket up. I exercised judgement in pointing out that you were leaving out the fact that our staff provided multiple replies spanning pages of ticket responses. I did not want people getting the wrong idea or anything Quote PS staff has always said that customers can certainly bring emergency tickets to our attention. Emergency as in a board offline or unusable. You did nothing wrong there in bringing your critical issue to our attention. Quote It is an extremely rare event we delete posts. This topic in point. Quote I looked at your account just now: I see not a single open ticket. All are resolved or closed. If I am missing one feel free to send in the ticket number. Quote My point in all this is that you just seem generally angry and I cannot find a specific thing to point to other than you just don't like our personality or way we generally do things. I am afraid there is nothing I can say or do to change your opinion there since these are intangible things there is no "fix" for. Quote
July 13, 200915 yr [quote name='Charles' date='12 July 2009 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1247450801' post='1825191'] Well... actually... we are :lol: I mean not literally just sit here and post on the forums. That would be silly. But you know what I mean ;) Erm...yeah...that came out wrong. My point was that you could just as easily be doing something else, rather than dealing with these feedback threads. (Thank you for doing it, by the way. ;))
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Edward V' date='12 July 2009 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1247450668' post='1825189'] Says a lot about you as well I might add. And what does your participation in this thread say about you? You might want to take that into consideration as well.
July 13, 200915 yr My participation in this thread shows that I'm board and I like defending friends and allies? Is that not enough of a reason? :ermm:
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Gärrett' date='12 July 2009 - 07:05 PM' timestamp='1247450701' post='1825190'] Agreed completely. You're the one that hijacked someone else's thread and turned it into your own soapbox. You're the one attacking IPS. Please define hijack and we can take it from there. :) Shouldn't they be answering customers tickets instead of posting on these forums? I would rather see them answering questions in a courteous manner instead of engaging in debates on the forums with customers.[quote name='Edward V' date='12 July 2009 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1247451075' post='1825196'] My participation in this thread shows that I'm board and I like defending friends and allies? Is that not enough of a reason? :ermm: Your an ally with IPS? What do you plan on attacking some made up axis? Perhaps you need to just get out more? Quote Is taking time out of someone's day to post in these forums not something worth thanking them for? Charles (and the rest of the staff) aren't paid to sit and post in these forums - it's a courtesy to you, the customer, and one I'd think is worth appreciating.
July 13, 200915 yr Management Yes, as I said, you have no open tickets. You have two awaiting customer response that you choose not to reply to. So... not sure what we can do about that :lol: I mean you said you wouldn't reply to a ticket waiting customer response so ... I mean... well I don't know what to say to that. The issues you raised in the ticket you submitted boiled down to you don't like how I (as in me personally) reply to things on the forums. Maybe you think I have been rude or something but I never mean to come off that way. Again, not sure what to do or say to make you happy with me or like me. It's just... again I don't know what to say to that. Yes, of course we acknowledge issues. That's the whole point to a feedback forum. Clients post issues, we say "yes you're right that's an issue we will address it" ... otherwise we would be perfect and nothing is perfect. As for "staff should be responding to tickets" you will note that support staff does not often post on the forums. They focus on tickets. In fact, several of our support staff are not even in the "IPS Staff" group on these forums so they do not get PMs which are often distracting to tickets.
July 13, 200915 yr I'm an RPer, what'd you expect? :whistle: Besides, the software works. Sure it has bugs, but you can post right?
July 13, 200915 yr [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1247450426' post='1825185'] I say thank you when someone does something they should be thanked for, like volunteering, not for what they get paid for while offering mediocre service. You are the one attacking someone else for their opinion, and you want to go on about common courtesy? Interesting, I guess it says a lot about you. :rolleyes: The world you're describing is very dull and quite frankly one I wouldn't want to exist in. All transactions between people are motivated by some ulterior motive - monetary based or not. Whether someone did it because they wanted their good deed for the day or because you paid them money doesn't change the fact that they performed some sort of service for you. According to your logic, any exchange involving goods or services for money would be pure business with no personality. Sounds boring, doesn't it? We'll take IPS as an example, but it goes for any company. You paid them money, they gave you a license to use their product and access to support. You're even. Anything else from you or IPS is icing on the cake. Those "I apologize for the wait", "I hope you have a good weekend", "Please let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with" statements, you didn't pay for them did you? Just because the world is run on money doesn't mean you can't show a little humanity.
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Edward V' date='12 July 2009 - 07:08 PM' timestamp='1247450898' post='1825192'] You're paid to check up on the payees, I get it :thumbsup: No, they are paid to provide a service to those who keep their licenses current. Kind of a simple concept when you think about it. Either way, Bobage, even without a refund, you're entitled to convert and leave at any time. So put your money where your mouth is. You wanna pay for the VB license for me? If so refund me the money I have paid and I will gladly take you up on the offer. As the saying goes "put up or shut up". Quote
July 13, 200915 yr [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1247451154' post='1825197'] Please define hijack and we can take it from there. :) Posting in a thread to the effect of changing the subject completely (you turned the positive feedback thread into...well, this.) [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1247451154' post='1825197'] Shouldn't they be answering customers tickets instead of posting on these forums? I would rather see them answering questions in a courteous manner instead of engaging in debates on the forums with customers. I'm sure they are. How can you say they're not when, as Charles pointed out, you have no active tickets? And, technically, the IPS office is closed as today is a Sunday, so everything you see out of them today, no matter what it is, is a courtesy in my opinion.
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Brandon D' date='12 July 2009 - 07:13 PM' timestamp='1247451222' post='1825202'] The world you're describing is very dull and quite frankly one I wouldn't want to exist in. All transactions between people are motivated by some ulterior motive - monetary based or not. Whether someone did it because they wanted their good deed for the day or because you paid them money doesn't change the fact that they performed some sort of service for you. According to your logic, any exchange involving goods or services for money would be pure business with no personality. Sounds boring, doesn't it? We'll take IPS as an example, but it goes for any company. You paid them money, they gave you a license to use their product and access to support. You're even. Anything else from you or IPS is icing on the cake. Those "I apologize for the wait", "I hope you have a good weekend", "Please let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with" statements, you didn't pay for them did you? Just because the world is run on money doesn't mean you can't show a little humanity. I find it rather funny that you preach about all this love and kindness while participating in a flame war. Either your a liar or a hypocrite. Which is it? Actually, in the real world, you pay for a service and expect a service. Would you thank dish network if you paid them for their service, and they didn't deliver the service or provided poor service? Honestly? Or can I even expect honestly since you are either a liar or a hypocrite.
July 13, 200915 yr [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 09:31 PM' timestamp='1247448680' post='1825159'] You mean the kind of person who pays for a service and expects that service to be fulfilled? Must be an awful person eh? Perhaps I remember when services was expected, not just an afterthought. When is the last time you thanked your power company or DMV? I guess I should expect such a comment form someone like you who represents the company, after all you are obviously affiliated with them. I, on the other hand, am just a customer. How times have changed. :) [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1247450426' post='1825185'] I say thank you when someone does something they should be thanked for, like volunteering, not for what they get paid for while offering mediocre service. You are the one attacking someone else for their opinion, and you want to go on about common courtesy? Interesting, I guess it says a lot about you. :rolleyes: Here's what I see when read comments and the way of thinking that you have made very clear. Slavery. You think that if you pay someone money, they become your servants to use and abuse because "it's their job". That sort of mentality has done nothing but caused problems and I can tell you right now, you show that sort of attitude in the real world and there are businesses today that will politely ask you to leave the premises before they call for security (or the cops) to escort you away. If you throw a temper tantrum to the police about how you are paying the business to kiss your tail, then they'll just throw you in jail for disorderly conduct. Show that same attitude to a judge and I can assure you that you'll be in for a really harsh lesson about kindness and respect.
July 13, 200915 yr As Charles said, you're the one not responding to your own tickets, so how can IPS deal with that, when they get no feedback from you, who is having the issues in the first place?
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Edward V' date='12 July 2009 - 07:16 PM' timestamp='1247451376' post='1825206'] As the saying goes, Wow, now that is original. Time to go back role-playing, I think. Have anything productive to add to this thread?
July 13, 200915 yr [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 07:17 PM' timestamp='1247451433' post='1825207'] Would you thank dish network if you paid them for their service, and they didn't deliver the service or provided poor service? I fail to see how IPS is not providing their service, or providing it poorly. Your tickets are answered, you have the software...seems to me like things are working just fine. :blink: Honestly? Or can I even expect honestly since you are either a liar or a hypocrite. Let the personal attacks begin... :whistle: Quote
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='.Wolfie' date='12 July 2009 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1247451491' post='1825210'] Here's what I see when read comments and the way of thinking that you have made very clear. Slavery. You think that if you pay someone money, they become your servants to use and abuse because "it's their job". That sort of mentality has done nothing but caused problems and I can tell you right now, you show that sort of attitude in the real world and there are businesses today that will politely ask you to leave the premises before they call for security (or the cops) to escort you away. If you throw a temper tantrum to the police about how you are paying the business to kiss your tail, then they'll just throw you in jail for disorderly conduct. Show that same attitude to a judge and I can assure you that you'll be in for a really harsh lesson about kindness and respect. haha, slavery, now your reaching or being disingenuous. I said countless times in this thread PAID, so your entire post is moot.
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Charles' date='12 July 2009 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1247451178' post='1825199'] Yes, as I said, you have no open tickets. You have two awaiting customer response that you choose not to reply to. So... not sure what we can do about that :lol: I mean you said you wouldn't reply to a ticket waiting customer response so ... I mean... well I don't know what to say to that. Your tickets suggest that we just disagreed and would agree to disagree, so what was there to respond to? :lol: I have noticed a lot of rude posts from staff, hell just look at the sarcasm in your posts in this thread. I have nothing against you personally, but rather how many of your staff responds to paying customers. As for "staff should be responding to tickets" you will note that support staff does not often post on the forums. They focus on tickets. In fact, several of our support staff are not even in the "IPS Staff" group on these forums so they do not get PMs which are often distracting to tickets. I see the majority of the ones I interact with on the support side posting in these forums. How do you think I got their attention on the forums to fix my problem? Quote The issues you raised in the ticket you submitted boiled down to you don't like how I (as in me personally) reply to things on the forums. Maybe you think I have been rude or something but I never mean to come off that way. Again, not sure what to do or say to make you happy with me or like me. It's just... again I don't know what to say to that. Quote
July 13, 200915 yr [quote name='bobage24' date='12 July 2009 - 10:17 PM' timestamp='1247451433' post='1825207'] I find it rather funny that you preach about all this love and kindness while participating in a flame war. Either your a liar or a hypocrite. Which is it? Actually, in the real world, you pay for a service and expect a service. Would you thank dish network if you paid them for their service, and they didn't deliver the service or provided poor service? Honestly? Or can I even expect honestly since you are either a liar or a hypocrite. :huh: Perhaps it's the long work days that are getting to me, but my brain is failing to comprehend the fact that I'm even having to argue this. I'm not preaching "love and kindness", I'm preaching what you evidently missed in your childhood. No, I'm not advocating you thank a company for failing to provide a service. I'm encouraging the use of manners when interacting with another person, the ones you seem to fail to grasp. It's rather pointless arguing any further.
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Edward V' date='12 July 2009 - 07:18 PM' timestamp='1247451531' post='1825211'] As Charles said, you're the one not responding to your own tickets, so how can IPS deal with that, when they get no feedback from you, who is having the issues in the first place? Since Charles is posting about our personal tickets on the public forum, I guess I have to respond. One cannot respond to a ticket which suggests that you are wrong and that we just don't see things "eye to eye". There is nothing to gain by responding to such a response.
July 13, 200915 yr I have a feeling that most of those on the forums are team-leads, or something similar. The higher-ups that can deal with end-users and the general community, rather then the back-stage techies and support staff that have their fingertips bandaged from the amount of typing they do... I would go farther into this but I think this is all I truly want to say at the moment (dont care if Charles removes this either:)
July 13, 200915 yr Management Sometimes sarcasm is the best I can come up with when I don't know what else to say to an illogical argument :) I mean you started this topic claiming you had open tickets we were not addressing which evolved into you had no open tickets just those you were choosing to ignore our staff waiting for response from you. At that point I was at a loss for a dry response. Now, obviously, this topic is approaching the point it has to be locked. We have devolved into personal attacks and that just cannot happen. So I offer my disclaimer now and acknowledge that I am sure the locked status will be used as an "I told you so!" but, alas, that is the way it goes.
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Brandon D' date='12 July 2009 - 07:26 PM' timestamp='1247451967' post='1825219'] :huh: Perhaps it's the long work days that are getting to me, but my brain is failing to comprehend the fact that I'm even having to argue this. I'm not preaching "love and kindness", I'm preaching what you evidently missed in your childhood. No, I'm not advocating you thank a company for failing to provide a service. I'm encouraging the use of manners when interacting with another person, the ones you seem to fail to grasp. It's rather pointless arguing any further. I could tell your mind was having trouble because you can't even comprehend the basic way the world works. It's really not that difficult, you pay for a service and you expect the service you pay for. Where are you having trouble with this? And, don't you see the irony of your constant rambling about manners and kindness when interacting with others all the while you personally insult them? This makes you a hypocrite.[quote name='Edward V' date='12 July 2009 - 07:20 PM' timestamp='1247451613' post='1825214'] Do you have anything productive to add to the community? What community are you referring too, these company forums?
July 13, 200915 yr Author [quote name='Gärrett' date='12 July 2009 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1247451556' post='1825213'] I fail to see how IPS is not providing their service, or providing it poorly. Your tickets are answered, you have the software...seems to me like things are working just fine. :blink: Let the personal attacks begin... :whistle: Your responses highlight the points I made in my second post in this thread, which is very interesting to watch unfold.
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