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ACP Manage Forum UI sucks

Guest Brandon D

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I just had to move, delete, create, edit etc a bunch of forums and was annoyed by the poor UI. A few changes would've cut the time it took by at least 1/3:

1. When I delete a moderator, don't redirect me to the forum index level, redirect me back to where I was so I don't have to drill all the way back down to where I was, even better make it AJAX so I don't move at all
2. When I click a forum name, just like if I were actually clicking it to view the forum itself, I don't want to be taken to the parent forum
3. Give me the option to move all topics in a forum (not just at the forum deletion page)
4. Give me the option to delete all topics in a forum instead of just being able to move them at forum deletion page
5. Give me the option to delete all subforums in a forum instead of just being able to move them at forum deletion page
6. Allow me to add a forum to not just the "main" forum I'm on, but any subforums on that view (so I don't have to add it to the "main" forum I'm on and then change the parent forum to the subforum)
7. a. Toggle moderator options for me if I just removed or added a moderator or
7. b. If I toggle moderator options, keep it toggled throughout the session until I untoggle it
8. Allow me to apply moderators to not only the checked forums, but any subforums of those forums

There were some others but I forgot >_>


Very, very nice suggestions! It's good that you listed them like that. The vast majority of those would really help me as well.


Majority of the time sinkers were the ones relating to moderators and numbers 4 and 5. I had a handful of forums to delete, so I had to drill all the way down to the lowest subforum of the forum I wanted to delete, remove the topics in that subforum, go up a level, remove that subforum, and repeat. Yuck.

Even Vista doesn't go, "Where would you like to move the folders and files in this folder you're deleting?" :lol:


4. Already there - "Empty Forum."
8. Use the "Show Tiered" option and check subforums as well.


4. Already there - "Empty Forum."

Read #4 again - it says to add it to the forum deletion page. See my previous post for why I want it added to that page.

8. Use the "Show Tiered" option and check subforums as well.

Ooh, didn't know about that. It's actually "Show All", but I get the point.

I agree especially with the forum deletion, when I delete a category or whatever, I want everything to go with it... none of the annoying empty, empty, stuff.


Read #4 again - it says to add it to the forum deletion page. See my previous post for why I want it added to that page.

Ooh, didn't know about that. It's actually "Show All", but I get the point.

Bah, it changes to "Show Tiered" on the Show All page. :lol:

Feedback is always a good thing and hopefully you will find a sympathetic ear, but from what I hear the new IPB 3 admin cp is vastly different and maybe (just maybe) they already incorporated some of your ideas.


That's very true, but it'd be a poor decision on their part to ignore feedback (which I don't think they're doing) just because they're already revamping the UI when they can incorporate popular changes during the process.


I think this is being implemented because I've seen a lot of these suggestions pop up a million times since I've joined the IPS family and each of them vastly supported so you can only hope. And if not in Beta release then maybe they'll implement it by final. ;)


I'm not. My fingers are in my ears and I'm singing "la, la, la, la..."


Seriously, add a +1 from me to all of those suggestions. Also a mass manage forum feature, as I have siuggested before; would be totally awesome; so that you could be able to mass apply settiongs to many forums at once. :)

(PS - I heard that that is coming in 3.0, but don't take my word for it... :whistle: o:) )

I'm not. My fingers are in my ears and I'm singing "la, la, la, la..."

/me gives bfarber his medication... sorry about that folks.

babar is just a bit different from farber :P As to the suggestions though they sound pretty good so far. I'd also like to see the mass manage though as doing settings one at a time can get tedious if you have a lot of boards.


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