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'Transparent' view of subforum threads in parent forum

Guest matthiaspaul

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Hi folks,

Here comes another feature suggestion for a future version of IPB:

Assume a board with many categories and sub-forums (in our case each for a small set of photographic tools, categorized in a logical structure alongside a particular vendor's versatile photo system), similar to a deep directory tree. Since we are trying to build up a shared knowledge base alongside the discussion, it is necessary to have many sub-forums (sometimes 3 and more levels deep) in order to give users a chance to find a collection of information about a specific item or theme just by walking down the tree alongside the attributed paths (forum names). Also, having the board logically organized downto very specific themes will help users get organized and start new threads in the "correct" sub-forum. On the other hand, too many and too deep hierarchies may led to confusion among people who do not know what they are looking for already. They may miss relevant posts in deep sub-forums and may start their own threads in forums logically higher than necessary. Also, it is difficult to keep track of discussions in deep sub-forums, unless you routinely visit them all recursively. On the board index, however, where you can view a flat list of all the most recent discussions globally taking place anywhere in the board, high traffic will often make it almost impossible to keep track of what's going on in the individual sub-forums of interest.

Therefore, I am envisioning an enhancement of the existing software (IPB 2.2.1) in order to find the best compromise between the above conflicting requirements.

Right now, if you are in a parent forum of multiple sub-forums (say 11.1), threads in these sub-forums (in 111.1, 111.2, 111.3) will not be listed in the parent forum. It would be great, if users (currently visiting 11.1) could request a flat view of all recent threads in that parent forum and all sub-forums (11.1+111.1+111.2+111.3). Similar to the global thread list, but for one particular parent forum and its childs, only. In such a system, users could walk down the tree and subsequently narrow their focus, without having to actually visit all the leafs of the tree in order not to miss a single post... If there are no new posts in the sub-sub-forums, they will already recognize this while still staying in higher forums, and don't have to walk all the way down.

  |     |      +-111.2
  |     |      +-111.3
  |     |
  |     +-11.2-+-112.1
  |     |      +-112.2
  |     |      +-112.3
  |     +-11.3
  |     +-12.2
  |     +-13.3

Based on this general enhancement, I can think of various ways how to fine-tune this:

Each forum should have as new setting, if threads in there should be listed only in that forum (and the global flat list), or if they should also be visible in its parent forums.
Users should have a new setting in the UCP, where they can choose their prefered method of thread view.




For an example of this in action, I think Stardock's Forums (the folks who make WindowBlinds) do this. (Click on a category such as "Object Desktop", then open a thread, and look what happens with the breadcrumb trail. In most cases, it adds TWO levels as you opened a thread in a subforum of that forum that you saw it on)


I just stumbled upon a very well know example of this 'model', which I didn't realized as such before your post... ;-) eBay is nothing but an implementation of what I would like to see in IPB. You will just have to think of the auctions as if they were threads. The deeper you go in the directory tree, the narrower your focus. Fewer and fewer matching auctions will show up in the auction list. Something like that, but with IPB look & feel, of course.




This would be nice, but should be configurable in the ACP, as some would not use it. I would though :)

Definitely. I would even make this configurable on a forum-by-forum basis, so the admin could exclude some of the sub-forums from this. And users should have a chance to configure there preference as well (in case there are any sub-forums with this feature enabled).




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