Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted October 4, 200618 yr 1.View Public Profile--It should be "View Member Profile"2.Add Friend--When you view user profile it shows "Add as Friend" but when you click on member it shows "Add Friend". I think, it should be "Add as Friend"3.Code, Quote--I think it's time to change the coding and quoting style? something newer and better looking maybe?Test Test 4.Insert Image---I'm not sure if it's a bug or if this has been reported or not but when you click "Insert Image" and click cancel it should just cancel it and not add anything but what it does is null[/img]5.Insert Link--Same issue as above6.Member Profile---In member personal info it should show the personal info likeName: ExampleAge: 26Gender: (male icon)MaleLocation: USABirthday: March, 10th, 19807.Loading. Please wait...--It's not a big deal but can you change it's background to IPB default color or something more suitable. It looks typical. Like, I said it's not a BIG DEAL. 8.Member Profile Info--I'm not sure how much customization can admin do in ACP with the new member profile system. But, I think it would be nice to allow "Admin" to organize it in their way. Like, how many "Topics, Replies, Gallery, Blog Entries, Comments, etc" it should show.9.Friends & Comments (Privacy)--Only allow my friend to see my friend list?--Allow everyone to see my friend list?--Other users have left no comments for "Example"? change the sentence please. doesn't sound right..--When you right click inside the comment box it closes the box. Bug?10. Bug? (FF)--test (w00t) :ph34r: :shifty: >_< :thumbsup: :rolleyes: test Test >_< :shifty: :whistle: Somewhere I saw, it was striking, underlining, etc to the emoticons. That's funny..11.Manage Attachments--Allow admin to set how many attachments they want their user to upload at once from ACP.--Attachment issue with Firefox..I have to click on the blank space of the forum before I can attach another next to it....otherwise it replaces it.. why?12.Post Options | Attachments | Post Icons | etc--There should be a option to toggle them upwards or minimize them. Also save the setting for next time.13.Quick Edit--Let's say, I did a quick edit but now I changed my mind n want to do full edit.... for that you have to click on edit again n then full edit.....wouldn't it be better to have "Full Edit" after "Cancel Edit" in quick edit or will it be confusing?--In quick edit window, why is the quote & code tags all the way in the right side? it should be next to the "emoticons" no?14.Report Subject--How about adding that? so user can put if it's "Spam" "Abuse" or whatever.I'll add more as I remember them. Unless, I get locked from editing.
October 4, 200618 yr +1 for most. I think there shouldn't be a tooltip when you place the mouse over the member's avatar.
October 4, 200618 yr +1 for most. I think there shouldn't be a tooltip when you place the mouse over the member's avatar.Who cares? It's so small and insignificant. I didn't even know it was there in the first place. You'll click on it before you even notice it. Id rather focus on things a little more outstanding like the forward button being hidden where it shouldnt be :D
October 4, 200618 yr Who cares? It's so small and insignificant. I didn't even know it was there in the first place. You'll click on it before you even notice it.I'm really picky :P Yeah, I submitted a bug about the Forward button and even created a topic about it. :whistle: :thumbsup:
October 4, 200618 yr I'm really picky :P Yeah, I submitted a bug about the Forward button and even creatd a topic about it. :whistle: :thumbsup:Yeah I guess I can be too... But not picky enough to worry about a tooltip being there. If you want to talk about tool-tips, I'm more worried about tool-tips not working on the editor :P
October 4, 200618 yr 15.Text Editor--When you mouse over E-mail, the tips doesn't show up and if you move your mouse over to the next from one to another takes time before showing the tips. Not big deal but would be for "Noobs" esp.16.New Topic, Addreply, Fast Replying, PM--Let's say, I did not insert anything inside the text editor and left it blank..why must it load and go to another page to show that "You must enter a post". It should be simple..i.g you can have a pop saying that for--Topic Title--- "You must enter a topic title with atleast 3 charc or more etc before you can continue" and for ---Message--- "You must enter atleast 3 or more charc message before you can continue" and if someone did not fill any of them it would be like "You must enter Topic title/Message before you can w/e" I don't like how it goes to another page to show me the stupid error. It's a total waste.....The error handling of IPB is really POOOOOOR--The same rule should apply to "PM" as well.17.Text Background Color--How about adding a option to put background color into the text? I'm not sure, how many of you would like it but I think it should be added. It falls in there..18.Post Preview & Last 10 Posts--Close the post preview after sometimes later or have a option to close or collapse & expand.--Last 10 posts, I really don't look at it all the time but some people probably does...but maybe having a collapse & expand icon would be good to minimize it, just like the "Toggle" feature with cookies enable or w.e in Text Editor--I forgot to mention, Quick Edit, is missing "E-mail" icon :)
October 4, 200618 yr 17.Text Background Color--How about adding a option to put background color into the text? I'm not sure, how many of you would like it but I think it should be added. It falls in there..I think that's something for Admins to decide whether they want to provide such an option to their users. You can easily create this function with the custom bbcode feature in your Admin CP? :)
October 4, 200618 yr 15.Text Editor--When you mouse over E-mail, the tips doesn't show up and if you move your mouse over to the next from one to another takes time before showing the tips. Not big deal but would be for "Noobs" esp.There's not much they can do about that ('cept the email one) because the tooltips are controlled completely by the browser. They're regular Windows/Mac/Linux tooltips, displayed by setting the title or alt tag or a link or image. Now what they COULD do is have it so the text editor doesn't show a crud-ton of HTML in it if you have Javascript disabled (I disabled it hoping that the forum wouldn't crash my browser when I enter certain topics. Nope, still goes boom).17.Text Background Color--How about adding a option to put background color into the text? I'm not sure, how many of you would like it but I think it should be added. It falls in there..Please don't.
October 4, 200618 yr WRONG!!!!!!!!!<td><div class="rte-normal" id="ed-0_cmd_insertemail"><img src="" alt="" title=""></div></td>can you see it? no "alt" :)..btw, why is the board stretching over on code? weird! it shouldn't no matter wat.. ( I see it with FF 2.0 RC1)and to be honest, text background color would be good in one way but some way it would KILL the look and user might play with it too much lol if they no how to. But, having it as optional in ACP don't hurt. But, I suppose this will only get inside if lots of people want it. But, It's fine..
October 5, 200618 yr WRONG!!!!!!!!![img=]can you see it? no "alt" :) ..btw, why is the board stretching over on code? weird! it shouldn't no matter wat.. ( I see it with FF 2.0 RC1)and to be honest, text background color would be good in one way but some way it would KILL the look and user might play with it too much lol if they no how to. But, having it as optional in ACP don't hurt. But, I suppose this will only get inside if lots of people want it. But, It's fine..Did you miss the part where I said there's not much they can do about any of it EXCEPT the email one?
October 5, 200618 yr Did you miss the part where I said there's not much they can do about any of it EXCEPT the email one?I was a bit sleepy atm so i guess..but, any respond from IPS please? I would like to know if any of these are...going to me fix whatnot?----------------------------19.PM CC--I don't think everyone use that all the time so, i think it should be collapsed or closed until user need to use it. When they want to use it, they can just click in a link and open the CC box, otherwise...keep it hidden. saves some spaces.........
October 5, 200618 yr 15.Text Editor--When you mouse over E-mail, the tips doesn't show up and if you move your mouse over to the next from one to another takes time before showing the tips. Not big deal but would be for "Noobs" espThe tooltips in the text editor really bother me. They say working as designed. I say bad design then. It should show the new tooltip when you mouseover the new icon.
October 9, 200618 yr 20.Mini ProfileAdd as Friend---when you have someone in your friend list already it should display "Remove from Friend" not "Add as friend" again. Also, when you click on your own "Name" it should not display "Add as Friend or Send Message" to your self. Why would you want to add or send message to your self?--Also, there should be another quick link for "Find Member's Topics" in mini profile. --Allow user to "Quick" rate a user from mini rate you shouldn't have to go into their main profile.--When you right click on the profile menu It closes!! it should stay "on" and I've encountered the same problem while right clicking on the add comment box!!21. Comment Box & FriendsOptions which should be included....--Allow my friends to comment.--Allow my friends to view my comment.--Allow all members to comment.--Allow members to view my comments.--Allow my friends to view My Friend list.--Allow members to view My Friend list.--Allow everyone to view My Friend list.and I think user should able to manage their comment box. Just in case if someone flood their comment box or abuse..--Other users have left no comments for %name ---change it to something appropriate. maybe something like "No comment have been made to this user yet"--Also, when you click on the "Comment" in the main profile and "Jump to Page" does not show up properly.. same issue with FF and IE--In new view profile could you please bold "Statistics" likeJoined: 13-February 02Profile Views: 1,640*Last Seen: 46 minutes ago Local Time: Oct 9 2006, 07:55 PMand where did "Most active in" go?user status like------ Status: ON! (Reading Board Index) or whatever..
October 9, 200618 yr +1 To everythingl. I think IPS needs to give us some feedback on what they are doing...
October 9, 200618 yr I think 2.2 is feature locked till final so I would suggest suggesting this in the feature suggestion forum.
November 11, 200618 yr Really there are AWESOME . Really Good Work UnderWorld, please IPS take a look at this, as you see everyone would like it!!
November 11, 200618 yr 1.View Public Profile--It should be "View Member Profile"2.Add Friend--When you view user profile it shows "Add as Friend" but when you click on member it shows "Add Friend". I think, it should be "Add as Friend"I know and I'm sure for this 2things. They are fixed ;)
November 11, 200618 yr #16 I like a lot. And almost all of these are things honestly they should have done way before RC3. I didn't realize such mistakes as having add as friend still in for your own mini profile and some of those other thing.But anyway as for quick rating in mini profile, I think it may be cool to have the person's rating show under their avatar with the other info down there and you can rate them with that. I dont know how well that would go over though, if it would cause issues having a lot of those on one page, because of the new method of rating.Changing add friend to remove friend for your current friends, not having it for yourself, and redoing some things in the my friends popup is an absolute must. I am honestly surprised nobody seemed to notice those issues before now. Also it should do like cjvj's modification for 2.1 and have something in topic view SHOWING a person is your friend. Where that online/offline icon is, he had it show a friend icon if they are your friend or an add button if they weren't your friend yet. So in other words, his friends system (which I had requested) was done a lot better and now i removed it to have this one because this will be officially supported. But either way, they have some work to do to get the friends system as good as his and to work properly, in my opinion.
November 13, 200618 yr Since you wanted a reply with feedback...1.View Public Profile--It should be "View Member Profile"I "fixed" this2.Add Friend--When you view user profile it shows "Add as Friend" but when you click on member it shows "Add Friend". I think, it should be "Add as Friend"I "fixed" this too3.Code, Quote--I think it's time to change the coding and quoting style? something newer and better looking maybe?QUOTETestCODETestMaybe for 3.0 when the user-side skin is updated4.Insert Image---I'm not sure if it's a bug or if this has been reported or not but when you click "Insert Image" and click cancel it should just cancel it and not add anything but what it does is 5.Insert Link--Same issue as aboveDon't have either of these problems, so I assume these were old bugs fixed long ago.6.Member Profile---In member personal info it should show the personal info likeName: ExampleAge: 26Gender: (male icon)MaleLocation: USABirthday: March, 10th, 1980Easy enough to skin. I don't see a real need for prefixes myself?7.Loading. Please wait...--It's not a big deal but can you change it's background to IPB default color or something more suitable. It looks typical. Like, I said it's not a BIG DEAL.Again, easy enough to skin. Skin will be overhauled in 3.08.Member Profile Info--I'm not sure how much customization can admin do in ACP with the new member profile system. But, I think it would be nice to allow "Admin" to organize it in their way. Like, how many "Topics, Replies, Gallery, Blog Entries, Comments, etc" it should show.Maybe for a future release. Right now you can't really control how many results to pull.--Only allow my friend to see my friend list?--Allow everyone to see my friend list?--Other users have left no comments for "Example"? change the sentence please. doesn't sound right..--When you right click inside the comment box it closes the box. Bug?Good ideas. Will need to consider them for a future release, but not for 2.2. The sentence sounds ok to me? The comment box collapsing with a right click has been fixed.10. Bug? (FF)--test w00t.gif fear.gif shifty.gif pinch.gif thumbsup.gif rolleyes.gif test[strike]Test[/strike][strike] pinch.gif shifty.gif whistling.gif [/strike]Somewhere I saw, it was striking, underlining, etc to the emoticons. That's funny..This is just due to the emoticons getting a vertical-align: middle tag applied. Best suggestion: don't format your text that way. :lol:11.Manage Attachments--Allow admin to set how many attachments they want their user to upload at once from ACP.--Attachment issue with Firefox..I have to click on the blank space of the forum before I can attach another next to it....otherwise it replaces it.. why?(1) Submit as a feature suggestion in the feature suggestions forum.(2) The attachment bbcode will be highlighted, but inserting another attachment doesn't replace it - it adds to it.12.Post Options | Attachments | Post Icons | etc--There should be a option to toggle them upwards or minimize them. Also save the setting for next time.Submit as a feature suggestion for the next version (beyond 2.2)13.Quick Edit--Let's say, I did a quick edit but now I changed my mind n want to do full edit.... for that you have to click on edit again n then full edit.....wouldn't it be better to have "Full Edit" after "Cancel Edit" in quick edit or will it be confusing?(1) It has been requested - no real decision has been made. We have to consider everything going on and requested and perform the most important work first. Hasn't been counted out though.(2) Just because they are - it's not that big a deal?14.Report Subject--How about adding that? so user can put if it's "Spam" "Abuse" or whatever.Submit as a feature suggestion for the next version15.Text Editor--When you mouse over E-mail, the tips doesn't show up and if you move your mouse over to the next from one to another takes time before showing the tips. Not big deal but would be for "Noobs" esp.A bug that has been fixed16.New Topic, Addreply, Fast Replying, PM--Let's say, I did not insert anything inside the text editor and left it blank..why must it load and go to another page to show that "You must enter a post". It should be simple..i.g you can have a pop saying that for--Topic Title--- "You must enter a topic title with atleast 3 charc or more etc before you can continue" and for---Message--- "You must enter atleast 3 or more charc message before you can continue" and if someone did not fill any of them it would be like "You must enter Topic title/Message before you can w/e" I don't like how it goes to another page to show me the stupid error. It's a total waste.....The error handling of IPB is really POOOOOOR--The same rule should apply to "PM" as well.Will be too much work to make this sort of change for 2.2 at this stage. Should submit as a feature suggestion for 3.0, but note we already planned on overhauling the error handling system for 3.0 anyways.17.Text Background Color--How about adding a option to put background color into the text? I'm not sure, how many of you would like it but I think it should be added. It falls in there..Bah..I'd hate this option personally...I think the js is available behind the scenes, there just isn't a button interface.Again, submit as feature suggestions for next version. :)--I forgot to mention, Quick Edit, is missing "E-mail" icon original.gif's scaled down, and thus only the extremely most commonly used buttons are there. We don't have any intentions of adding any others, though you could easily skin them in if you wished.19.PM CC--I don't think everyone use that all the time so, i think it should be collapsed or closed until user need to use it. When they want to use it, they can just click in a link and open the CC box, otherwise...keep it hidden. saves some spaces.........Maybe when the skin is overhauled for 3.020.Mini ProfileAdd as Friend---when you have someone in your friend list already it should display "Remove from Friend" not "Add as friend" again. Also, when you click on your own "Name" it should not display "Add as Friend or Send Message" to your self. Why would you want to add or send message to your self?Should say "Remove friend" if you've already added them as a friend. I realize this post is old, so maybe it has just been changed since you posted that. I'll look at the "Add as friend" option being available on your own profile.--Also, there should be another quick link for "Find Member's Topics" in mini profile.Already added--Allow user to "Quick" rate a user from mini rate you shouldn't have to go into their main profile.What mini-profile? The drop down? I'm not too keen on that personally.--When you right click on the profile menu It closes!! it should stay "on" and I've encountered the same problem while right clicking on the add comment box!!Right clicking does close menus generally...this is by design.Options which should be included....--Allow my friends to comment.--Allow my friends to view my comment.--Allow all members to comment.--Allow members to view my comments.--Allow my friends to view My Friend list.--Allow members to view My Friend list.--Allow everyone to view My Friend list.and I think user should able to manage their comment box. Just in case if someone flood their comment box or abuse..Users can manage their comment boxes already. The suggestions we'll consider for future updates to the system.--Other users have left no comments for %name ---change it to something appropriate. maybe something like "No comment have been made to this user yet"I don't see much of a difference can easily change this in a language file.--Also, when you click on the "Comment" in the main profile and "Jump to Page" does not show up properly.. same issue with FF and IEBug that has been fixed already.--In new view profile could you please bold "Statistics" likeJoined: 13-February 02Profile Views: 1,640*Last Seen: 46 minutes agoLocal Time: Oct 9 2006, 07:55 PMI'll talk this over with Matt, but don't see it to be that big a deal.and where did "Most active in" go?The query used for this feature causes a lot more problems than the feature was worth. In our efforts to balance security, stability, and features, this one had to go - it didn't like indexes too much, and there wasn't a really efficient way of rewriting it.user status like------ Status: ON! (Reading Board Index) or whatever..User status is represented by their mini-icon
November 13, 200618 yr --I forgot to mention, Quick Edit, is missing "E-mail" icon original.gif's scaled down, and thus only the extremely most commonly used buttons are there. We don't have any intentions of adding any others, though you could easily skin them in if you wished. You should place it there as default. It is needy. It's just an icon. IMO, it shouldn't take you guys that long to place it back. These are useful option which should not be taken off from quick edit or fast reply. I urge you to place them back :) please 6.Member Profile ---In member personal info it should show the personal info like Name: Example Age: 26 Gender: (male icon)Male Location: USA Birthday: March, 10th, 1980 Easy enough to skin. I don't see a real need for prefixes myself? It's okay the way it is but not GOOD and it would be nicer to have prefixes. --Only allow my friend to see my friend list? --Allow everyone to see my friend list? --Other users have left no comments for "Example"? change the sentence please. doesn't sound right.. --When you right click inside the comment box it closes the box. Bug? Good ideas. Will need to consider them for a future release, but not for 2.2. The sentence sounds ok to me? The comment box collapsing with a right click has been fixed. Okay but not professional as it should be just like the way IPB is. A Pro!! 13.Quick Edit --Let's say, I did a quick edit but now I changed my mind n want to do full edit.... for that you have to click on edit again n then full edit.....wouldn't it be better to have "Full Edit" after "Cancel Edit" in quick edit or will it be confusing? (1) It has been requested - no real decision has been made. We have to consider everything going on and requested and perform the most important work first. Hasn't been counted out though.(2) Just because they are - it's not that big a deal? It is a big deal when it should be organized. I still think it should be right after "Emoticons" not all the way to your right. The resize-up and down icons should stand alone. Beside, look at the Add reply Text Editor? you have them organized together and next to each other. You should do the same with "Fast reply & Quick Edit" please fix that. Organize them the way you did to the Add reply Text Editor.I just organized them and took a screen shot of it! It looks much organized now...Take a look: --Allow user to "Quick" rate a user from mini rate you shouldn't have to go into their main profile. What mini-profile? The drop down? I'm not too keen on that personally. --Other users have left no comments for %name ---change it to something appropriate. maybe something like "No comment have been made to this user yet" I don't see much of a difference can easily change this in a language file. The new profile system that you click on member name to display the profile info. What you call it? lolBut seriously, why go all the way to "Rate" when you can do that by just clicking user name and rate? It's quicker! These steps should be quick, simple and easy.You can change them in language file but having it default would be best. --In new view profile could you please bold "Statistics" like Joined: 13-February 02 Profile Views: 1,640* Last Seen: 46 minutes ago Local Time: Oct 9 2006, 07:55 PM I'll talk this over with Matt, but don't see it to be that big a deal. You guys had them bold up until v2.1.7! Why change it now? and same with personal info prefixes.These suggestion are for IPB 2.2 or 3.0! wherever it goes.!---Just to point this out....if you want to switch color from red to blue by selecting the text. Why does it over do it? let's say, I put the text color red but now I want to put it blue instead of red. What it does is that adds both color code. Red & blue! when it should forget the last color and replace it with the new color code that I selected.---Another problem I found. When you click to view your own profile from "Viewing Profile". Click the "Options" to bring up the drop down and there you'll find "Ignore User, Add to PM Block List" they should not be shown to my self. Also, go down to the bottom of page and look at Contact Information section, there you will see "Send Message" which should be shown to other members not to my self.Viewing Profile section [Gallery, Blog, Friends]1. Gallery-->When user view their own profile and clicks in "Gallery" section and if there were no images found. There you can have this link "Click here to create your first album". For those that did not created any album. This should be shown underneath the bold text that says "No images were found"2. Blog--> Same for the blog. Show link underneath No blog found that "Click Here To Create Your Blog"3. Friends--->I'm not sure if this would be possible or what not but underneath "There are no friends to display" you can have a link to find a friend to add them to your friend list. --I'm sorry, I'm not a good explainer and my English aren't that good as it's my 2nd lango :P
November 14, 200618 yr You should place it there as default. It is needy. It's just an icon. IMO, it shouldn't take you guys that long to place it back. These are useful option which should not be taken off from quick edit or fast reply. I urge you to place them back original.gif pleaseNo, it would be a 5 second change - however, it was never there to begin with, so it wouldn't be "placing it back" it would be putting it there for the first time. As I said - the idea is a completely streamed down editor. If you want all (or more) options you should use the fully reply (or, if you wish, skin the button in on your own board). :)Most of the other suggestions, will not bad, are more-so opinions of how it should look - and remembering that there is a lot that goes into making a product of this scale, we can't always add everything. :)
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