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Guest scylla

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I say it's about time that Invision finally gets this important modification, not only will this help with keyword density but also to help a thread get a better pageranking from google. This modification would be very much appreciated, thanks.

I've seen this applied to phpbb (or at least I think its in phpbb), vbulletin, proboards & mybb. I would like to see a patch that we can use to apply this upgrade to version 1.x boards, version2.0.x boards and version2.1 boards & make it a standard feature in version 2.1.6 & up.

and I think that this should go to the right of how long it takes to reply to a topic (right now I see "A minute ago" followed by "Post #1") It would help if this were bolded also.

And also, I think there should be a ticker to turn on/off total topics & total posts in the Board Statistics at the bottom of the page.


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