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REST API Documentation


Create a topic

For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, any parameters the user doesn't have permission to use are ignored (for example, locked will only be honoured if the authenticated user has permission to lock topics).


Name Type Description
Required forum int The ID number of the forum the topic should be created in
Required title string The topic title
Required post string The post content as HTML (e.g. "<p>This is a post.</p>"). Will be sanatized for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member; will be saved unaltered for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type.
author int The ID number of the member creating the topic (0 for guest). Required for requests made using an API Key or the Client Credentials Grant Type. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, that member will always be the author
author_name string If author is 0, the guest name that should be used
prefix string Prefix tag
tags string Comma-separated list of tags (do not include prefix)
date datetime The date/time that should be used for the topic/post post date. If not provided, will use the current date/time. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member
ip_address string The IP address that should be stored for the topic/post. If not provided, will use the IP address from the API request. Ignored for requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member
locked int 1/0 indicating if the topic should be locked
open_time datetime When the topic should be unlocked from
close_time datetime When the topic should be locked from
hidden int 0 = unhidden; 1 = hidden, pending moderator approval; -1 = hidden (as if hidden by a moderator)
pinned int 1/0 indicating if the topic should be pinned
featured int 1/0 indicating if the topic should be featured
poll_title string Poll title (to create a poll)
poll_public int 1/0 indicating if the poll is public
poll_only int 1/0 indicating if this a poll-only topic
poll_options array Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (int 1/0)


Code Message Description
1F294/2 NO_FORUM The forum ID does not exist
1F294/3 NO_AUTHOR The author ID does not exist
1F294/5 NO_TITLE No title was supplied
1F294/4 NO_POST No post was supplied
2F294/C NO_PERMISSION The authorized user does not have permission to create a topic in that forum
3F294/D NO_ANON_PERMISSION The topic is set for anonymous posting, but the author does not have permission to post anonymously


This endpoint doesn't return a response.