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Invision Community 5.0.0 Alpha 5

Released 07/18/2024

Key Changes

This is the release of Invision Community 5.0.0 Alpha 5

Additional Information

#1486: Text Editor updates: Reduced indentation of lists and updated UI of "No highlighting" option
#1483: Load code highlighting bundle from the base URL
#1485: Various Tiptap Quirks
#1484: Remove modules that were removed from the JSON file
#1480: Multiple improvements to Advertising widget
#1472: ACP Search Keywords Audit
#1482: Search Index optimizations
#1479: Fixed colors and alignment of UI in legacy browsers
#1478: Theme Editor: Improved performance, fixed "leaving" warning in Safari, added Revert button to Custom CSS
#1477: UI: Improved alignment of Achievement Rules table in ACP
#1476: Fix link in ModCP Announcements
#1475: Fix an issue where a Node menu item can be blank
#1474: Upgrade tiptap dependencies to v2.5.1 and Reduce Iconpicker Search Tree Loading Footprint
#1458: Fixes an issue where {theme} tags are not compiled in custom CSS
#1469: JS Updates : July 15
 - Issue #1404: Forum Feature Color Picker: "Do Not Use A Color" Checkbox Doesn't Uncheck
 - Issue #1452: Forum 'Copy to Database' Does Nothing
 - Issue #1468: [A4] Edit a badge not working
#1470: UI bug fixes, fixed "wide layout", improved alignment of widgets and added Widget Designs to 14 additional widgets
 - Issue #1423: Offline message has incorrect spacing
 - Issue #1424: Search modal still shows when site is offline
 - Issue #1439: [A4] - bug with a unread (probably other too) content page
 - Issue #1425: Editing Activity Stream filters overlaps things
#1459: Account for race condition in failed login
#1460: Fix errors in database import
#1462: Fix an issue where invalid HTML in a Raw HTML Block can break the page
#1463: Fix issues loading current theme settings
#1464: Fix an issue where cover photos could not be removed
#1465: Fix issues synching articles to forums
#1466: Hide chart filter dropdown if there are no filters
#1467: Show button instead of menu when menu has only one element
#1390: Added "default layout" property for widgets;
#1432: Moderator Alerts have a Cleaner UX
#1431: Fixed unresponsive account menu on mobile
#1430: Theme Editor fixes
#1429: Upgrader fix

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