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  1. Already shrinking, works , tx again.
  2. Tx for the quick reply @Marc will try this.
  3. Got a message from our hosting provider that the ibf_core_member_history is a very large table at this moment. They ask us to reduce this table. Is there a way/setting that I can do that safely? Is it just history for what any member did on the database?
  4. ok thanks for clarification.
  5. Ok, is there a way to get the following then: I want a custom field, see it in the mail, but not on the public profile of the member.
  6. Yes for example in the mail I receive: (took just the 3 last ounces, some text is in Dutch) De mijne is: VFROC Lidmaatschapsnummer:: About Me: I've added a custom profile field: Lidmaatschap VFROC: Nee/Ja ->. required. (dropdown choice) This is the one I would like to see in the mail.
  7. I can't find the settings for this 🥺 We have some custom profile fields and I have switched on the mail notification to yes for completed registration. So far so good. But in the mail I receive I see some profile fields settings (some I don't want to) and some are not displayed in the registration mail. Where can I set the fields to display in the mail?
  8. tx @Jim M that was the solution. My bad, on the stock reply there are permissions, thought that's wat you ment. But you really have to click the new button. Tx working 👌 and sorry, missed this, my bad.
  9. Yes, 2 groups, in Dutch : beheerder (admin) and bestuur (staff) admin works. For testing I have the user franktest put him in the bestuur group.
  10. Tried several tricks but can't get the "stock" reply button visible to other groups. Running: Version 4.7.3 (latest with patch) PHP Version 8.0.24. Dashboard happy 😄 and using other theme ( ipsfocus.com), but same problem on default theme. When I made a stock reply for our staff members I put the button in the editor, but it's not visible in there editor. As an administrator I see it, made testuser -> admin, button available, changed group button gone. Permissions was set on the stock reply to the group, even set it to all groups still no luck. Seems only to work now for the admin, am I doing something wrong? or is it a bug? (small one, no fire) edit: Not sure if the problem was there earlier, today switched from php 7.4 to 8.0
  11. Patch fixed the problem, quick fix, happy 😀
  12. Could be, Dutch and US have different use of commas and points.
  13. Thanks for the support, I can now start to fix this
  14. Still a problem, but that gives me a hint. Switched lang to US and no problem, switch back to Dutch, booomm. So problem is in the lang setting probably then.
  15. Done, was also very old, created also admin account. (hope mail adres is correct, but it wil work with login)