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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by GNet

  1. Hello there,

    We are interested in this integration. But we have a couple of questions.

    Since our private forum acts as a support tool for different groups/teams, we were wondering if this bridge supports multiple slack instances or just one. 
    It recently come to our attention that some of our groups are using, different, slack instances and we are exploring assisting them by bridging their slacks with their IPS4 forums/groups.
    Or is it limited to just one slack instance and one channel?

    On that note, what are the bridge implemented permissions? Is every content created Forum-wide transmitted over the bridge, or we can limit it, lets say, to a forum and all it's subforums?

    Thanks 🙂

  2. We are very interested in buying this one. Just a simple question. From what i understand after reading liquidfractal's comment, there is an option to limit the visibility of questions &/or collections using IPS permissioning. Is this correct? Our members are divided into 3 main groups and we would like each group to have their own Questions not visible by the other groups.

    On this note, does the issue reported by liquidfractal still exist?

    On 11/13/2017 at 2:25 AM, liquidfractal said:

    What's more, the searchability of FAQ questions seems to bypass FAQ question permissions: I made a collection Admin-only, but when I visit my site as a Guest and search for a relevant keyword I can get to the questions.


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