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Posts posted by jbung

  1. A few questions..

    1) How do I change the name of the preset Roles that someone sees when they add feedback for a member? Currently the dropdown field says Buyer, Seller, Trader. We want to change the word Buyer to Customer, Seller to Breeder and we want to get rid of Trader entirely. Our Pet Breeding community doesn't have Traders.

    2) We're using Classifieds, if someone is looking at an Advert in Classifieds and someone clicks on "Leave Feedback", you're taken to the Feedback Form. The link is always http://ourdomainname.com/index.php - Is there a way to have your app automatically use the URL of the Classifieds Advert the person was just looking at? Otherwise, the user has to click the back button, copy the URL, click on Leave Feedback again then paste in the URL. Some of our users are not very tech savvy.

    3) We need to change the name of the tab from the main menu section of IPB (Topic view) from Feedback to Reviews - how would we do that?


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