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Posts posted by gils2

  1. I think there is a bug when there are multiple members on the same locations, the clusters are not displaying the correct count. I believe the cluster count is based on number of flags, but it should be based on a number of member's locations within that cluster.

  2. Hi,

    This was a reported bug in 1.0.3, http://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/tracker/issue-9-extensionscoreextensionsphp-not-language-abstracted/

    It was fixed in 1.0.4

    There were 2 fields on the second page that were blank. Thank you!

  3. Check out post 708 and read on. I fixed mine the simple way stated on post 719. Most issues are in prior postings.

    I'm now seeing another issue causing this same scenario with longer member names. It only happens with IE9, not the IE8 or the rest of the browsers. I have one moderator that is using IE9 and he is the only one seeing this. We are testing now testing the max amount of characters in a user name that IE9 likes. :) So much for progress.

    A lot of our user names are longer than 12 characters, breaking the popup box.
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