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Jyoti Rani

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Everything posted by Jyoti Rani

  1. I am able to access the hooks menu now. I am able to add the hook on process form. But here the issue is I have to update the values in the table which is not the part of invision table. For e.g i have table table1. I am using mysqli to update the values on the basis of userid. As this is the common column between ipcore_members and table1. I am using one dbconnect.php file to connect to the db using mysqli driver. But the $connection object is not available to me in the hook file. Can you please help?
  2. Hello adriano, I am able to complete step 1,2,3 specified. But as you mentioned I have to write the code in which file among the below plugins\hooks.php file '\\IPS\\forums\\Forum' => array ( 2 => array ( 'file' => 'applications/cms/hooks/Forum.php', 'class' => 'cms_hook_Forum', ), ), '\\IPS\\forums\\modules\\admin\\forums\\forums' => array ( 3 => array ( 'file' => 'applications/cms/hooks/forums.php', 'class' => 'cms_hook_forums', ), ),
  3. Its available and that error has been removed. Next issue which i m facing is I am able to open only pages like below link. http://localhost/marketing_version4.7/index.php?app=cms&module=pages&controller=page But when i run urls like below http://localhost/marketing_version4.7/discover/ http://localhost/marketing_version4.7/leaderboard/ http://localhost/marketing_version4.7/login/ They are taking me to default page of WAMP server. Rather than going to their specific module.
  4. This file is not available at the particular location. Is there any way to get those ?
  5. I followed the below steps at local for developer mode by following the below url , but after doing so. I m facing the issue below Can some one guide ?
  6. After doing the steps given the articles and suggested by you. When i run the folder at my local, i am getting below error. I checked in the specified location but could not found the file specified. Can someone guide please? file_get_contents(D:\wamp64\www\marketing_version4.7/applications/forums/data/versions.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory
  7. Hey Adriano, I have to write the above code in which file? As per the guide i m setting up developer mode at local. Do i need developer mode at local to write above code? Or there is any other way to do this?
  8. So, if I had to perform an action when user creates a new Post, then can you suggest the process to be followed in new version?
  9. You have given the general link. Any specific link to convert the hooks in previous i.e. 3.6 version to new 4.7 version will help me a lot. Right now which I understand is that, I need to enable developer mode, then I can start creating plugins. But i m still not sure about what's next steps? Right now trying to setup developer mode at local.
  10. I have removed the code which is coming in the bottom. Tried cleaning the cache as well. But its not working.
  11. Hello All, I tried using jquery validation in my form But its not working. As per the understanding received from Forum itself, I have changed the settings to include the javascript under the head section. Here is the url of the issue where i m facing it. https://beta.marketingcheckpoint.com/test_js_validator/
  12. Hello Nathan, I have a new Query here. I have an simple HTML form. I want to use jquery validate. But its showing the above error. I just included <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.validation/1.16.0/jquery.validate.min.js"></script> this file in my code. and used the basic validations there. Can you please suggest whats wrong here.
  13. Hi In the invision version 3.6 i have 2 hooks. During the upgrade these has been lost. Now in the version invision 4.7, How to implement the hooks? Any guide or link helps me a lot.
  14. I have tried with $ as well. Also done the RnD with the suggestion you have shared. I have changed like as you have suggested. But still no luck.
  15. I have updated the code above But its not reflecting. For datatable i checked the Datatable Capital (D) issue as well. Still no luck. Any other ways to resolve this ?
  16. https://beta.marketingcheckpoint.com/mail/test-page-for-invision/ Here is the link for the page
  17. I have to list some rows using php code. I am able to get them. But to add paging and Sorting to it, I m using third party script of datatable e.g https://legacy.datatables.net/examples/data_sources/server_side.html But i m facing the below error But all the js file is there in the script block. Can someone help ?
  18. Hi, I have created a Block with pure Php code in AdminCP. I am this block in Page. There is a call to ajax file in it. Session is getting created in block code. But, When I am accessing this session variable in ajax file. its not available in it
  19. Issue is this when i m saving in admin section its parsing the content and loading the next line of code. Because the files are on the same location. But when i go to the frontend of the site to view the page The url of the browser gets changed and its not able to find the file.
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