ana8sawyer started following EvanDC
Invision Community Insight: April Release is out and Happy Easter Weekend!
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Invision Community Insight: April Release is out and Happy Easter Weekend!
Can I ask about Android devices? Is there currently anything by way of a mobile app or anything similar to what has been released here for Apple?
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Can I just add here my absolute horror at the typo for "write" in my OP. I can only assume I had been awake for less time than was required and my sleep addled brain got thrown by the use of "might". I'm so sorry to everyone, including my extensive schooling, and my parents! Is it possible to setup such a field with a multi selection drop down box of articles, so when writing the new article you can select as many other articles in the database as you want to link to? I'm guessing not.
Related Articles
Hi there, Is there a way, when adding an article, to display a manually curated list of related articles, files, downloads etc? I know you can use the tag system or organise things into categories, but I'm looking for something which would allow for a more specific and controlled way of linking and promoting content items which are very specifically related. For example, you might right Article A, and then alongside it have a widget/block which said "Other articles in this series: Article B, Article C, Article D... etc". Thanks.
Videos Support
I've fixed it. I had the oEmbed plugin enabled which it seems was conflicting with the videos oembed process. At least I'm guessing that's what it was as disabling the plugin has fixed the problem.
Videos Support
Just an update on this ... In the category view I can see a thumbnail for the video I've added, so that is working. But when I click on the video thumbnail it takes me to the video page and there it says the embed code failed. I can see the text link to the video, but no video player or thumbnail.
Videos Support
Right - I have a Youtube API key and copied that in the settings. When trying to add a video from youtube I'm copying and pasting the full url from the address bar. Is the Oembed url something different? When I save the newly added video it says "Video embed failed." Is there a step by step guide to using this app?
Seeing who unregisters
hi, is there a way to see any users who have removed their accounts? Thanks.
Preventing Club Images from posting in the main Gallery
Hi there, I'm obviously missing a trick somewhere. How do I stop club image posts from appearing in the main gallery please? Thanks Ev
Canva embed
Ok, I've reset it now to the code you gave and used the scale function rather than width/height settings. That's helped me. But now the top padding is massive. Can you explain where the padding figure of padding-top: 141.4286% comes from? And how I might reduce this to get rid of a load of empty space above the embedded template?
Canva embed
{{if $formValue}} <div style="position: relative; width: 33%; height: 33%; padding-top: 25%; padding-bottom: 0; background: transparent; margin-top: 1.6em; margin-bottom: 0.9em; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 0px; will-change: transform;"> <iframe loading="lazy" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0;margin: 0;" src="{$formValue}?embed" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="fullscreen"> </iframe> </div> {{endif}} This is what I've done to the code to reduce the size and try and get rid of the black background.
Canva embed
Right - that is really helpful. Thank you. I think I'm there! I've added a Canva button and manually adding the link through code to edit the template, so that's fine. Last question I hope ... Any idea how to get rid of the black box around the embedded view?
Canva embed
Ok - we're getting somewhere!! Two more questions - which obviously you are free not to waste your time on (time for which I'm very grateful already - thank you)... 1)How do I make this work in a custom block, the block pulling the relevant field from the relevant record - ie, the block updates the url depending on which record is being viewed 2)This code is just displaying a passive view of the template. There's no click through link to Canva itself. Any idea how I might get this to be clickable so it take me to the actual template ready to edit? Thanks again.
(NE) oembedServices management
Thanks Nathan - much appreciated. 🙂 Apologies for my haste!!
(NE) oembedServices management
Hmmm, in which case I'm confused. Canva help files says this about that link (which is the smart link for the template in question): For platforms that don’t support HTML embed codes, we suggest using smart embed links. They work on many websites, including the following: WordPress.com Medium Any website with oEmbed support