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  1. I am excited about the upcoming changes, my community will be reborn anew. I am looking forward to the public release of v5 and I am upgrading to the classic license.
  2. Is there any progress in this area? We cannot upload files larger than 2GB due to the column size limitation in the database. Manually changing these settings causes a significant issue with the database.
  3. Yes, after disabling this plugin, the problem disappeared. I apologize for the confusion.
  4. I turned off the plugin that was limiting the number of visits for guests, and it seems the issue no longer occurs. I will monitor the situation and update the status.
  5. Yes, they are logged in immediately, and this applies to all users. While logged in, I enter a topic and it creates a guest with my address who views the same topic.
  6. Can someone confirm this issue? A logged-in user enters a thread, and in the online section, there is a duplicated guest account viewing the same thread. The guest account has the same IP address, and I entered the thread while being logged in.
  7. Hello, After updating the forum to version 4.7.18, I've noticed an issue. When a user enters a topic, the "/online" tab shows a guest account with the same IP address as the user and browsing the same topic.
  8. @Daniel F Can you find out the status of this? I don't see the correction in the new release.
  9. Hi, is there any estimated release time for version 4.7.18? I'm eagerly waiting for the manifest fixed. Do you have any information on when we can expect the release?
  10. For me, the new prices are very attractive, however, I kindly request that self-hosting continues to be developed despite the low interest. 🙏
  11. Will it be possible to extend the classic license on a monthly basis or only annually?
  12. Hi, I have a problem with the manifest. I completed the graphics and all the information in web apps in the admin panel generated the graphics for me. Unfortunately, the file is not found (404), and I have a syntax error in the console. How can I fix this? I'm using the latest version.
  13. Is it possible to disable access to the website without logging in, forcing users to log in to see the homepage? However, in that case, search engine robots will not see the page, new topics, and they will not be indexed. Is there a way to solve this, or am I mistaken?
  14. After updating to 4.7.17 beta 3, the problem disappeared and I was able to manually run the cron job without any issues.
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