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  1. Hello @TAMAN, maybe the subject has already been discussed but Is it possible to vertically align the subcategories rather than following which is by default on ipboard Like : Forum sub forum sub forum sub ... and not sub forun, sub forum, sub forum .... Thank's in advance
  2. Thank's @Meddysong Do you have any idea when she'll be available?
  3. There is a module for that ? Have you a solution ? Best regards
  4. Thank you very much. bfarber Ryan Ashbrook Paul E. Best regards James
  5. Thank you for your response bfarber how important is it to disable pcntl_exec? Best regards
  6. Hello I tried everything I could to clear the alert from the back office : pcntl_exec but it doesn't matter Shared server Ok for configuration test I put in the .user.imi : disable_functions =pcntl_exec I've restarted Apache several times and waited But I still have the alert Can someone help me? I'm attaching the file user.ini Best regards .user.ini
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