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Posts posted by Earl_of_Berkeley

  1. On 6/24/2019 at 2:14 AM, Fosters said:

    Are your permissions set correct?
    1. Check the Mod permissions
    2. Check the application form permissions.


    Please also make sure that the form has "List on the application forms ModCP page" enabled!


    Moderator permissions are unrestricted
    Application form permissions are set correctly. The relevant people have manage perms
    List on the ModCP is set



    ALSO for some reason, despite setting the permissions, guests can make applications

  2. On 6/17/2019 at 6:41 PM, Rob Coldwell said:

    Yes, we have some moderators and they receive the above message.

    In the form settings, it has also been set so that both administrators and moderators can 'manage submissions.' But it doesn't seem that administrators receive the notifications.

    Are there some additional mod settings required?

    We've submitted another form request, the moderators get a new notification but when clicking on it they still get the same error message as above...

    Did you fix this issue? I'm having the same thing and can't work it out

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