This is a situation where an app becomes second nature to the developer and those very familiar with it but newbies don't have that background and experience. I just bought MGM as well and, having used IPB since 2007 and spent all morning on this, still can't get a good grip on how to use this application. There are a whole lot of assumptions that somebody walking in new will know what to do with this.
What actually are "groups"? Pretty simple, basic concept. I'm still not sure I know. I think "menu" could be substituted pretty easily. Maybe it's a developer/coder thing.
There's a choice of "bar or block" type of menu. What's the difference? Dunno. Where's the help file or tutorial video?
Choose from "drawer, URL, applications, wrapper and magic block" types. OK, I get URL and applications, but have no clue what drawer, wrapper and magic blocks are.
I went back and took a look at the original CJ Menu screenshots and gleaned some smarts from there, and made use of the preview function when fooling around with the MGM app -- although it appears as if the "group"/menu has to be live in order for the preview to work. That's kind of odd. I first chose a footer location to sort of "hide" the test menu/group, then realized I could set permissions so only admins can view it while under development.
Finally, the statement, "MGM will attempt to remove the IPS default menu navigation, this isn't always a guarantee ..." kind of scares me. Does this mean the default navigation is gone, or just isn't visible but could be easily reversed?
So, don't feel like a dummy if you didn't understand this immediately. I sure didn't and haven't yet.
I found one of the testimonials for the original CJ Menu to be humorous. "This menu application is simply amazing. Up and running with zero configuration. In just a short amount of time, you can create powerful new menu structures..." Well, the original app might have been but this one sure isn't.
The price has been reduced from $300 to $35, which is great, but I would have paid way more than $35 to have an in-place help file, FAQ or tutorial video. And in retrospect, I shouldn't have purchased it at all without a help feature. The time I've spent just today jerking around with MGM all but eliminated the difference in cost, right out of the gate.