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Peter L McCormick

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  1. The images were there when I uploaded them, at least long enough for me to grab the URL of the uploaded image(s). Perhaps a semantic question, but how can images exist in uploads and then NOT exist at some later point?
  2. I'm having an issue with images (uploaded into a block and then implemented using Pages Sidebar) disappearing for some reason, showing cracked images in their place. This has happened several times, with different blocks but all implemented with Pages Sidebar... and with no other blocks or other placement. I add the images to the blocks in the standard fashion. Once they "disappear", if I right-click and copy the image address, I get a 404 error. Sample code for one of the image embeds: <p style="text-align: center;"> <a href="http://vinylguardgolf.com" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="new_logo_300.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="54516" data-unique="2iub2bh33" src="https://www.turfnet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_08/new_logo_300.png.3e8977aee383d6e3ba6f5e1a1e445fbe.png"> </a></p> Screenshot of cracked images attached. Guidance, please...
  3. Having difficulty with installation of KS23 on 4.3. I've tried several times but it takes me to a blank white page. Nothing appears in installed plugins.
  4. Thanks @InsideEdge. I'm sure I can make something work; it's just the frustration of buying and opening a new app then having no clue how to use it that irks me a bit. I see your menu at hockeyforums.net also shifts to the right when hovering. I wish there were a switch to turn that on/off. I find it distracting. FWIW, I'm an old player and current big Bruins fan. Nice site.
  5. Thank you. I realize the time and hassle involved in making tutorial videos, and that you're probably mentally spent from getting the app to market. Perhaps a simple Help document with would suffice for the time being until a video can be produced. I do have some questions which I will either post here or PM you. For starters: I have a bar-type "group" set up and in preview, when a "drawer" item is open and the sub/child-items are hovered over, that underscored item area expands to the right about half the width of the item and then returns. That seems odd to me. Thanks.
  6. This is a situation where an app becomes second nature to the developer and those very familiar with it but newbies don't have that background and experience. I just bought MGM as well and, having used IPB since 2007 and spent all morning on this, still can't get a good grip on how to use this application. There are a whole lot of assumptions that somebody walking in new will know what to do with this. What actually are "groups"? Pretty simple, basic concept. I'm still not sure I know. I think "menu" could be substituted pretty easily. Maybe it's a developer/coder thing. There's a choice of "bar or block" type of menu. What's the difference? Dunno. Where's the help file or tutorial video? Choose from "drawer, URL, applications, wrapper and magic block" types. OK, I get URL and applications, but have no clue what drawer, wrapper and magic blocks are. I went back and took a look at the original CJ Menu screenshots and gleaned some smarts from there, and made use of the preview function when fooling around with the MGM app -- although it appears as if the "group"/menu has to be live in order for the preview to work. That's kind of odd. I first chose a footer location to sort of "hide" the test menu/group, then realized I could set permissions so only admins can view it while under development. Finally, the statement, "MGM will attempt to remove the IPS default menu navigation, this isn't always a guarantee ..." kind of scares me. Does this mean the default navigation is gone, or just isn't visible but could be easily reversed? So, don't feel like a dummy if you didn't understand this immediately. I sure didn't and haven't yet. I found one of the testimonials for the original CJ Menu to be humorous. "This menu application is simply amazing. Up and running with zero configuration. In just a short amount of time, you can create powerful new menu structures..." Well, the original app might have been but this one sure isn't. The price has been reduced from $300 to $35, which is great, but I would have paid way more than $35 to have an in-place help file, FAQ or tutorial video. And in retrospect, I shouldn't have purchased it at all without a help feature. The time I've spent just today jerking around with MGM all but eliminated the difference in cost, right out of the gate.
  7. Any plans for SuperBlogs? I'm using SuperGrid recorddisplay for Pages news items and would like to style blog entries accordingly. (Hopefully I've missed something and it's available already... )
  8. Not working for some reason. Is there block caching somewhere that I'm missing?
  9. I'm a bit confused about the shuffle feature for record display in a block. The instructions in the Plugins/SuperGrid settings/block settings say "To also randomize the entries, set a higher entry value for the block (e.g. 25) in the block settings and then limit the display in the block here, e.g. to 3. This will then pick 3 random entries out of 25." If I read this correctly, if I want to display 3 records randomly selected from among 25 in the db, I enter 3 in the box above these instructions (in the plugins/Supergrid/block settings) and 25 in the settings for Pages/Page Management/Blocks/Feed Configuration. When I do that, it displays 3 records but they don't randomize. If I reverse the settings, the block displays 25 records. Could you please clarify? Thanks.
  10. There was a missing curly bracket in my custom.css. Something small can really screw things up. Thanks.
  11. I am struggling with image display in a SuperGrid block. The image displays fine in desktop and tablet landscape mode. When rotated to portrait mode in a tablet or phone, the image is cropped to a small portion of the original. See attached screen grabs. Tablet landscape displays fine; tablet and phone portrait show the problem. SG Listing settings are yes for 'Use Theme Box', no for everything else, and 55 for Image Aspect Ratio. The image sizes used are mostly 600x338, but I tried one that is 1200 px wide and it displayed the same (or worse). I have played with the image aspect ratio number which changes the amount of the image that is cropped/displayed. I don't see anything in the database settings that would affect this. The block template I'm using is m04_25_18_supergrid, "as is". I would have thought the image would be resized proportionally rather than cropped severely as it appears to be. I looked at the OpenType live demo and the images don't appear to be displaying this way. Any suggestions?
  12. Following up on asigno's post about teaser paragraph text appearing on top of the image in the listing display, I understand how to turn it off so it doesn't display. I would like it to display below the title, i.e. vertically: image > title > teaser paragraph. Or, have the option for the text to appear above, on top of, or below the image. Am I missing something? In a perfect world, display of title and teaser text would be able to be configured like the attached, a custom block that I'm still using on 3.x (massive project to upgrade to 4.x). Title appears at the bottom of the image over a semi-opaque gray background. Upon hover, the title text slides up to display the teaser text. Using the badge background looks horrible, IMO.
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