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Sarah Mackenzie

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  1. It would be very helpful if admins were allowed to change the "joined" date of members, since sometimes new logins are created and don't reflect how long a member (or member turned moderator!) has been present in a forum. Thank you!
  2. Hey @Fosters I've updated to the newest version of Bookmarks and everything *looks* installed correctly, but bookmarks aren't showing up for me. (They used to work fine). Any chance you can help me troubleshoot?
  3. Every once in a while we encounter an issue where the time zone appearing on the forum for our members does not match their real time zone. There used to be a way for me to manually update a member's time zone in their profile (instead of having their time zone automatically detected), and that would resolve the issue in most cases. I can't find that option anymore-- is there a new place where I can manually update a member's time zone?
  4. Would either of you be willing to take a peek and see what I might be doing wrong, @Vort3x @Fosters? I've updated the Bookmarks plugin (just today) via the Marketplace section in my AdminCP. When I try to do this: ... I get this error on all of my posts:
  5. When I do this, all of my posts on the forum show this error: Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? @Vort3x @Fosters
  6. Hi there! I'm also wondering if this plugin will be updated for 4.5. My forum users love this feature and miss it already. 🙂
  7. Just sent them to you as a message! Thank you so much I... don't know. ?I think it might be custom?
  8. I purchased this yesterday, but can't seem to get the bookmarks to show up. I installed the application, then went into the ACP-->Community-->Members-->Groups and enabled the bookmarks for all groups. Is there something else I need to do? I was just hoping to give my forum users a way to bookmark forum posts. ?Thanks!
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