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Posts posted by ShiroHa

  1. Yeah but that kind of setup would be extremely tedious to get right, I'd rather just have a HTML template appear in the editor when a user wants to post a new topic in the specified forums.

  2. Not really, since I want it to display in a table, and for what I have in mind, there would be no reason for my users to erase the content, but at the end of the day that's a problem for me to deal with. All this system offers is to collect said information, but with no customization at all or any way of changing how it's displayed (at least with out knowing css and html fairly well), I misunderstood what this application actually does, I admit I made a mistake buying this without asking about it first but other than that, unfortunately I had no way of knowing unless I actually demo'd it.

  3. No - What I'm after is something that will allow specific forums to have pre-loaded content in the ckeditor for members to be able to edit, for example; I have a forum for types of cars, and I want a html template to be loaded upon clicking create new topic so all the members have to do is fill in the data.

  4. This totally isn't what I expected it to be, can I please have a refund? Thought I could use it to actually add a template to new topics in specified forums, I wouldn't actually even use this. Unless you can add an option for HTML template to new topics that members can edit the values of (not the HTML itself) with the ability to disable the standard ckeditor entirely.

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