Transfering community to new owner
Transfering community to new owner
Is it possible to transfer the self hosting license to a new user?
Pages SuperGrid support
Ok Thank you
Pages SuperGrid support
Thanks for super fast respond - looks great now! Yes I know.... I spend lot of time trying to link both things. Can you help me with one more think if is possible? I modified a little code for mobile version of supergrid for previous version, what moved avatar a little higher. With last version of supergrid, mobile version of skin and supergrid looks similar but I can't remove gray marging line from the top. Do you know how can I remove just this top line above avatar?
Pages SuperGrid support
Hi! How can I change positioning of hero images to position them the same way like it was in previous versions? I don't use full size of hero images and previously hero image was scaled to 100% in horizontal and positioned to center in vertical, what looks really great. Right now is in full size and not centered. https://www.photozone.com/articles/gear/comparison-of-the-specs-nikon-d850-vs-canon-5d-mark-iv-vs-canon-5ds-r65/ Thank you
Member's Country
Ok :-) works great after update..... Only small issue (but maybe is not an issue) - when I change country in profile my flag has been changed in profile but name of my country change back to country where I am. I tried to change this many times, when I noticed flag is changed already.
Member's Country
Hi Function in settings: Account Settings > Country does not seem to work properly... When I try to change a country I always change to IP location. I travel a lot and every time when I'm go to different country my flag is changed. Is any other method to change this?
Pages SuperGrid support
Thank you! Looks great now.
Pages SuperGrid support
Hi What I need to do to scale record photos to fit record block on the right menu? Right now they have natural (larger) size of record images. https://www.photozone.com/
Pages SuperGrid support
Works great now! :-)
Pages SuperGrid support
http://www.testimus.net/photozone/articles.html/news/why-to-buy-new-camera-r4/ Do you need acp access?
Pages SuperGrid support
Unfortunately, it did not help :-/
Pages SuperGrid support
Classifieds System
Not me. I can't login or register to your official support and bug tracking website what you provided. I just try to find solution because it's not only my problem. With default settings 25% of users "completed" his own ads after few minutes from publish and open new again... and they was not happy after that... Your tip is everything what I needed. Please understand, not all people here are programists and not everyone know ipb4 like you know. Ok I understand. Just asked. I asked you the same question... why? If some ad is not visible in main window is still visible here... Cosmetic stuff is not wasting time. If today website looks like ebay in 2003 may not work equally well and we have lot of mobile visitors today. You treat me like a guy who criticized your child. I just try to make this great ap better, showing you what is not perfect yet. I also wasted time trying to explain people why this is not working like they think and trying to find other bugs. Even writing this post is wasting time for me. And I don't use this ap for free.
Classifieds System
This app needs some tool to switch COMPLETED ads, back to ACTIVE. Some users click "SET AS COMPLETED' button because they think, they need it to finaly publish the ad. Some of them, if they dont sell the item want simply publish ad back. Maybe if you change word COMPLETED to CLOSE AD helps a little. When ad is set to completed is not visible on main page, but we still have some links on sidebars and on "last post" section to this ad. Also mobile version of application looks a little unattractive when you are in category... besides application is great!
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