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ResPecT My Authoritah

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  1. KiwiGym started following ResPecT My Authoritah
  2. I dont understand why we always have to uninstall it and reinstall it and not just upload new version? Cause then i always have to get support with the new versiion...
  3. yea but what if i keep writing new stickys.. and i want them to see each one
  4. What if i wanted to show them another message? There sould be a database cookie clear..
  5.    Core4D reacted to a comment: Update on Invision Community 4.2
  6. Yea I'll test it after I get done playing gta
  7. This doesnt work on my site its broken gsmreloaded.com
  8. I searched that and i looked in some options and i still couldnt find it.
  9. found a problem That moods app wont show on my avatar with this mod.. could you please update it so it would work?
  10. How do i make my prefixes uppercase? Everytime i type in the upper case it becomes lowercased... i remember there was a fix for this.. i forgot can somebody refresh my memory?
  11. Yea i did that and it worked.. but... but want to be able to rearrange what i show first.. also just an idea but.. maybe you can populate the custom fields in that page so we dont have to keep going out of the options and into the profile options to insert that code. just a thought
  12. Thanks.. Can you add a option to rearrange what you want to show first? Cause i dont want my custome field all the way at the bottom
  13. boss man .. problem.. cause my user group is too long look http://www.gsmreloaded.com/forums/topic/48346-congrats-to-tukmol_316-supermoderator/#comment-240972
  14. Im using 4.1... and my version is 2.0.0
  15. Am i doing something wrong here? this thing is not working at all.. i changed all the options in the edit.. but nothing shows up? Am i misssing permissions or something?
  16. Does it support the commerce yet>?