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P2E Gaming

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  1. So there's nothing I can do?
  2. I can't see sql toolbox, sorry if I'm being dumb. This is all I see:
  3. I updated and most points in now in order. But now there's another problem 🙄 guests can't even earn points and there's no way to remove them. Any ideas?
  4. I've asked in the members shop support thread but it's probably better here. There's definately a problem with how points are displayed on the info panel. They don't come close to what they should read. See images below, Info panel and profile page. Could really do with this being fixed asap. Thanks
  5. Hi again. Ive updated to latest versions of this app and also enhanced user panel. Couple issues. 1. The Most points is still not working as you can see from screenshot. 2. Points aren't showing up on user panel. I have checked and double checked, I've definately selected it. Thanks in advance @TheJackal84 EDIT: I cleared cache and points are showing up on user panel. Seems like it shows the wrong ammount of points. They show up correctly in the users profile but not on the panel. Maybe they take longer to update I don't know. Are you aware of this issue?
  6. Oh. didn't know. How do I renew?
  7. No I'm on version 1.1.9 I'm not being givin the option to downlad latest version for some reason, it's just asking me to buy the plug in again?
  8. Hi again, getting this error when manually adjusting members points via ACP @TheJackal84 Error: Call to a member function save() on integer (0) #0 /var/www/html/r270418/applications/membersshop/extensions/core/MemberForm/points.php(76): IPS\membersshop_hook_MemberHook->editPoints(500000000, 'PANDA Manually ...') #1 /var/www/html/r270418/applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php(1183): IPS\membersshop\extensions\core\MemberForm\_points->save(Array, Object(IPS\Member)) #2 /var/www/html/r270418/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->edit() #3 /var/www/html/r270418/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /var/www/html/r270418/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main}
  9. For some reason points (cash in my case) are being displayed incorrectly on user info panel?
  10. Any update on the error?
  11. When I go to shop purchases - custom purchases, I get this error: Also, that problem with being directed to the homepage after any purchase is fixed but still redirects you after donating points?
  12. Recently, after making any donation or buying any shop item, it kicks you out of the forums and back to home screen. Any idea why?
  13. I updated IPS and now I get this error at the top of fixtures:
  14. Yeah the other fields aren't important, I just need the names so I can populate the widget you kindly added
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