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Pedro Ibáñez

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  1. Hi, I need to export all users as CSV file with passwords included to import in a WordPress web and don't know how to do? Any help please!
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-carlos-gómez-b-916475123/
  3. Hi Fosters!, LinkedIn icon is not working?
  4. Too much appreciated Adriano!
  5. Ah ok thanks Adriano sorry I understand now, and can be implemented for next versions?
  6. Ok Adriano I'm goin to try again. And if you submit a new tutorial on clubs is the same or the topic post does not work if the tutorial is submitted on clubs?
  7. Sorry Adriano I uploaded the wrong image. I set the discussion forum here. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
  8. I defined the forum for support in the ACP but when new tutorial is submitted the support topic is not created
  9. Hi, I just updated to last version of IPS and started using clubs feature again. I don't know what I'm doing bad but when I submit a new tutorial the support topic the link to this topic aren't created.
  10. Hi again! Please there is any way to use the ips multipage feature? I want to make tutorials with more than one page but it seems not to work with the ckeditor? Much thanks!
  11. Hi @Paul Play To Enjoy here you have body[data-pagecontroller="ourpicks"] .ipsPageHeader { display: none; }
  12. Working @newbie LAC much thanks!
  13. Hi! I'm having to times the same no view icon How can I delete the first one?. Here is the code I use: .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="_nbRecentTopicsPosts_"] li.ipsDataItem.ipsDataItem_unread .ipsDataItem_title:before{ content: '\f070'; font-family: 'FontAwesome'; color: red; font-size: 12px; margin-right: 4px; position: relative; } Much thanks!
  14. Ok sorry Fosters. There is posible to ad the ability to decide the numbers of columns to show in the our picks page to have more picks in horizontal?
  15. Ok thanks anyway Adriano!