Export users as CSV
Hi, I need to export all users as CSV file with passwords included to import in a WordPress web and don't know how to do? Any help please!
Linkfavicon - Supporttopic
Linkfavicon - Supporttopic
[IPS4] Tutorials
Too much appreciated Adriano!
[IPS4] Tutorials
Ah ok thanks Adriano sorry I understand now, and can be implemented for next versions?
[IPS4] Tutorials
Ok Adriano I'm goin to try again. And if you submit a new tutorial on clubs is the same or the topic post does not work if the tutorial is submitted on clubs?
[IPS4] Tutorials
Sorry Adriano I uploaded the wrong image. I set the discussion forum here. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
[IPS4] Tutorials
I defined the forum for support in the ACP but when new tutorial is submitted the support topic is not created
[IPS4] Tutorials
Hi, I just updated to last version of IPS and started using clubs feature again. I don't know what I'm doing bad but when I submit a new tutorial the support topic the link to this topic aren't created.
[IPS4] Tutorials
Hi again! Please there is any way to use the ips multipage feature? I want to make tutorials with more than one page but it seems not to work with the ckeditor? Much thanks!
Our Picks Homepage - Supporttopic
Hi @Paul Play To Enjoy here you have body[data-pagecontroller="ourpicks"] .ipsPageHeader { display: none; }
(NB40) Recent Topics/Posts
Working @newbie LAC much thanks!
(NB40) Recent Topics/Posts
Hi! I'm having to times the same no view icon How can I delete the first one?. Here is the code I use: .ipsWidget[data-blockid*="_nbRecentTopicsPosts_"] li.ipsDataItem.ipsDataItem_unread .ipsDataItem_title:before{ content: '\f070'; font-family: 'FontAwesome'; color: red; font-size: 12px; margin-right: 4px; position: relative; } Much thanks!
Our Picks Homepage - Supporttopic
Ok sorry Fosters. There is posible to ad the ability to decide the numbers of columns to show in the our picks page to have more picks in horizontal?
[IPS4] Tutorials
Ok thanks anyway Adriano!