IPS Rules Application
I think you're right, I'll use a group to control access, but how would i check if the SteamID variable IS NOT 0 with Rules?
IPS Rules Application
What about checking if they are viewing the form? Then maybe I could throw up a modal popup or something
IPS Rules Application
Hi Kevin, I'm using the forms app with your Rules app and I'm trying to come up with a way to not let a user submit a form unless it checks the currently logged in member for my 'steamid' variable and only lets them submit it when it finds that the steamid isn't 0. Any ideas?
Forms Support
Hi Mike, I'm using your forms app with the Rules app and I'm trying to come up with a way to not let a user submit a form unless it checks the currently logged in member for my 'steamid' variable and only lets them submit it when it finds that the steamid isn't 0. Any ideas?
AutoIt Anti-Spam
Tried installing today and get a ' 3C145 ' error when trying to upload the XML.
IPS Rules Application
Thanks, Kevin!
IPS Rules Application
We don't need to know who has what key, it's just an activation code. and yes it would be one key per member and not to be used again.
IPS Rules Application
Hey Kevin, so I have a question for you on something I want to get done and I think Rules might be able to help me. I currently have a rule setup where when a users Beta Applications are moved to the Approved subforum it updates their usergroup and shoots them a welcome PM. I want to be able to send them a Beta key from a list also. Can you think of a way I can put a list of keys somewhere that I can then include in that PM? Maybe someway I can upload a spreadsheet or cvs with keys and it grabs one and pastes it into the PM?
I have pretty much everything you need setup on our system using the Rules system.
I got it figured out, thanks
It shows 'iAwards' in both the breadcrumbs and also the page name in the browser tab - http://survivetheark.com/index.php?/awards/ Quick Translator only changes the language on 'my account', not for everyone. It says so right in the tool description.
IPS Rules Application
That seemed to work, however it is still creating a notification if the topic IS in that Forum that I selected. Here is what I have now. The whole point to this rule is I don't want any notifications being sent to users if their topics that ARE in Tester Applications forum have been moved. https://gyazo.com/09a4571df0ceb4b9c8e5a025a84b5173 So basically ALL others that are moved in other forums should be getting notifications, except for those in 'Tester Applications'.
Hi, I see we now have an awards page that shows the current awards available, however I don't want the page to be called "iawards", how can I change that?
IPS Rules Application
I'm so confused. I don't understand about selecting the topic. I see "Type An Item Name" and it will start bringing up those topics that are in the forum I selected above, however I don't understand why I have to select one. Because surely the next time it's ran it will be a completely different topic.. https://gyazo.com/6a30d9b16e5eff489bad3f390c7366af
IPS Rules Application
I know that, but my point is I don't want to choose a topic as I want all topics in a certain forum.
Jesse Rapczak
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