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  1. Easy upgrade without any issues. Nice to see that we're getting into the home stretch.
  2. When trying to change out a category or sections featured color, it doesn't change after saving. It remains the same even after several attempts, have also tried to clear it out by using the Don't use color option and the previous color remains.
  3. Saw that after I had made the thread lol, reported my thread here to be deleted.
  4. Recently noticed that the cover photos of the recently added articles have been disappearing, even after uploading them again. Haven't seen anything in the logs for errors.
  5. Another upgrade and everything working as intended.
  6. Definitely a bug, even if putting text in there the embed doesn't appear and having nothing in gets you the error bar.
  7. Getting the same when I tried with putting in a Steam embed link. Also, there is that small message at the bottom of the editor about "This field is required" Not sure what this is referring to or what.
  8. We have one Monday but, what about second Monday?
  9. Good point on this as I wasn't thinking about if Clubs were open to be created by your users.
  10. The one thing I tend to say about any service or product is whether it provides you with the necessary services or features you or your community needs. We can go around and around wondering if some unknown feature will be a godsend for our community in the future, and we will end up not building a community at all. Will IC6 be cloud-only? I don't know, and as has been mentioned a few times already, that is roughly 10 years from now. Who knows how your community will look then or if it will even be around? I know for myself that I'm perfectly content with IC4 and even more so with IC5. If my community is still around in the next decade and the next version of IC isn't something I could use or want, I can make the decision then to migrate to a different service or infrastructure. Basically, make your decisions for your community's needs on the information in the present. Have a plan for a possible migration in the future if IC doesn't meet your needs in the future.
  11. It would be a great idea for articles to link their comments to a forum within a Club. We currently can choose to do so within the main forum listing.
  12. Just went through the update process via the AdminCP and everything seems to have gone through just fine.
  13. I love what you did with the fanclubs site, this is what IC5 is all about. I'm just drawing a lot of inspiration from those who are posting their forums, and I'm on the side of I'll wait until IC5 is released.
  14. My understanding was that the process in v4 was more involved with adding the iframe HTML within the settings, this new process is much more streamlined by just adding the whitelisted domain without having to do much more.
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