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Provider Reviews posted by JDekkers

  1. For us Jim is the professional batman from IPS City!

    I am the owner of a small rare disease forum www.wijhebbensarcoidose.nl and we have been using Vbulletin since 2008. When they introduced VB5 we were very excited but this turned into a dissapointment over the years.

    We finally made the step to go with IPS so we looked for a developer who was able to do the migration for us.

    First we got in touch with another developer but his communication was very slow and he was not pro active in letting us know what he was doing. At one point he did not even respond to our communications anymore.

    Then we decided to contact Jim and what a relief that was! He is very professional and pro active in what he does. Even though there was an issue with the VB converter itself (which was solved by IPS quickly), he was very patient and a great help.

    The Jimmo deserves all the credit for making this a smooth ride for us.

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