Everything posted by borangeatx
Clicking on topics leads to dead pages following migration
Thanks Jim - I really appreciate it!
Clicking on topics leads to dead pages following migration
Marc, I appreciate it immensely. One more thing - I moved IPB to the root directory and I am receiving a License Key Invalid message now. Is there a way I can correct this?
Clicking on topics leads to dead pages following migration
Hi, I migrated from an old VBulletin 3. Forum to IPB. All data looks like it was pulled over successfully but I believe i am having url issues. When I click on a topic from the forum home (last post) it takes me to a page not found. https://bigredinsider.com/forum/ Not sure if this is an .htaccess issue or if I haven’t configured something properly. Any insight/help is much appreciated.
Error when trying to access members in admin panel
Sorry about that Mark. I changed access information. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
Error when trying to access members in admin panel
Hi Marc, I disabled all third party items and am using PHP 8.030 and still receiving that message.
Error when trying to access members in admin panel
Recently moved servers and performed an upgrade to IPS and went in to reset a password for a member and received this error: TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given (0) #0 /chroot/home/hornspor/hornsports.com/html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->manage() #1 /chroot/home/hornspor/hornsports.com/html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /chroot/home/hornspor/hornsports.com/html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #3 {main} Cannot access anything in the member area of the admin panel. Any help is much appreciated with this. Thank you
site stuck when running upgrade
Thank you!
site stuck when running upgrade
Thanks Jim. So to clarify - my host needs to change this path within the server? And none of the IP files need to be changed to reference an appropriate path? Appreicate it!
Upgraded after migration to a new server
Hi guys, I am experiencing an issue with an upgrade. Stalled out on me with the following message: We were unable to start a PHP session. You will need to contact your host to adjust your PHP configuration before you can continue. The error reported was: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php71) I get the issue regarding the path not being able to begin a .php session - but when I migrated servers I no longer use cPanel, but rather Interworx. Will the IP software work on a non-cPanel server? I'm stalled out and would appreciate any guidance you can provide. I called my host and they suggested I try you guys (the developer).
site stuck when running upgrade
Hi guys, I am experiencing the same issue. Stalled out on me. I get the issue regarding the path not being able to begin a .php session - I nmigrated servers and am no longer using cPanel, but rather Interworx. Will the IP software work on a non-cPanel server? I'm stalled out and would appreciate any guidance you can provide.
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Is there a way to disable new registrations after I restore from a functional databse backup? I need to perform the upgrades to IPS and change my hosting (biggest reason I haven't upgraded yet is because the dedicated server I am on is older and will nto upgrade cPanel or php version past 7.3). I would still like existing users to be able to login but just not new registrations temporarily. What a mess. Thanks for any help you can provide, guys.
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Jim, those are the current credentials to login. I am also receiving emails from members that they are unable to login. Basically once you are logged out on the site it appears you cannot get back in. is there anything I can do in the database tables to allow logins etc or hep remedy this?
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Done and done! Thanks Jim for the help
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Done, Jim. Appreciate the help!
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Logged in and went to settings and I believe under user groups I toggled the "enabled" to "disable" If I were able to login I could tell you exactly what I did 🙂 Any ideas? I can login to front end but when trying to access admin area I get this message: The display name, email address or password was incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off).
Cannot login to admincp as admin after disabling certain login groups
Hey guys, was hoping I could get some help. I cannot access my admincp after I disabled several login groups via the admincp settings. I was getting bombarded with spam and tried to disable all groups from logging in. I think I did this a little too successfully as now I cannot login as an admin. At one point I tried to disable login from one group and it gave me a message that I couldn't disable that group because it wouldn't allow an administrator to login. Hope this makes a little bit of sense. I was wondering if I can change something in the database table that would allow me to login as an admin to the admincp or if there was another option for resolving this. Many thanks for all the assistance in advance!
Record Publish Date in Pages Database Table - can't understand
Thanks Opentype. Appreciate the quick response!
Record Publish Date in Pages Database Table - can't understand
Was hoping someone might be able to help me figure this out.... I have a very small pages database that I used to use and want to convert it into somethign else but can't figure out the actual date the article. This is the format that shows in the MySQL Databse for article dates. If anyone can help me understand it I would greatly appreciate it. record_publish_date 1492633663 1492720998 Thank you!
Page structure - Moved articles from WordPress to Pages
Any idea why I can’t add an article in Pages from the front-end? It allows me to add an image but doesn’t show me the WYSIWYG Editor or even give me a place to add a title. Works if I go through the admin CP and manage records. Thought I would ask.
Page structure - Moved articles from WordPress to Pages
FWIW - I solved my own issue. I left the /forums directory on the server (with nothing in it) and that was causing all sorts of issues. I deleted it and the site came back.
Page structure - Moved articles from WordPress to Pages
Will do. I'm trying to figure out how to submit a ticket. Looks like things have changed since I last submitted one.
Page structure - Moved articles from WordPress to Pages
Got that issue fixed. Still same problem.
Page structure - Moved articles from WordPress to Pages
https://www.hornsports.com/ It's also now telling me that my license key is invalid?
Page structure - Moved articles from WordPress to Pages
Yeah, I did that and it cleared. Still looks like there is no .css applied to any of the pages on the site.