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Posts posted by MonroecountyMS.net

  1. File Name: Tutorials System 2
    File Submitter: ForumResource
    File Submitted: 23 Aug 2008
    File Category: Components

    Fully integrated Tutorial system for Invision Power Board 2.2.1 through 2.3.5 with only one edit in your index.php file which is in instructions.

    Written to be installed with Michael's Universal Mod Installer.

    It is a component system with One file edit

    * ACP (Admin Control Panel)
    o Random Tutorial Display can be turned on of off
    o Random Tutorial image height and width can be defined
    o Top Submitters display can be turned on or off and the number displayed can be set
    o Image upload resize - you define height and width images are to be resized after upload if turned on
    o Global Announcement Block which displays at the top of the Tutorial Mod can be turned on or off
    o Main Page order can be set to Category Name, Category ID, Last Submission, Total Tutorial, Total Views and set to Ascending or Descending
    o Category order can be set to Date, Name, Tutorial ID, Rating, Views and set to Ascending or Descending
    o Moderator Functions - Can choose single or multiple member groups that can moderate submissions if Manually approve submissions is turned on.
    o Discussion Settings - Comments can be turned on or off as well as forum message posting
    o Personal Message (PM) can be turned on or off and will notify submitters when a Tutorial was approved or changed
    o Topic Settings - can be turned on or off and you can customize the text used to create a forum posting with plain text and special variables
    o Usergroup permissions can be set to allow Access, Add, Edit, Rate or add Comments to the Tutorial Mod
    o Permissions are further restricted to the submitter.
    * Supports unlimited categories and subcategories
    * Uses Standard or RTE editor
    * Can upload a picture with the Tutorial submitted
    * Category Images with newly introduced Image Manager:
    o Ability to browse and upload images from your local computer for use as category images
    o Ability to have multiple category image folders and they are selectable from the ACP
    o Category images can be designed offline and ftp'ed to the folder /uploads/cat_imgs
    o Ability to manage images from within the ACP to easily delete images
    * Custom Fields:
    o Unlimited number of fields
    o All fields then become selectable for use in any Category from the ACP
    o Text Fields with the ability to specify the number of characters
    o Drop Down Fields - for predefined fields that are selectable from a drop down
    o Yes/No Radio Buttons - A simple Yes or no radio button
    o Text Area allows for
    o Select Box - Similar to drop down but you can choose more than one of the choices and they will be separated by a dash. ex: Cheese - Wine - Dinner and are additional fields you could search for to narrow searches down.

    This modification has been in continuing development for over a year and is updated as necessary. All modifications come with 1 year of free updates and patches.

    Staff Edit (Andy) , Registration is required on the author's site to purchase.

    Click here to download this file

  2. File Name: Reviews System 2
    File Submitter: ForumResource
    File Submitted: 23 Aug 2008
    File Category: Components

    Fully integrated Reviews system for Invision Power Board 2.2.1 through 2.3.5 one edit in your index.php file which is in instructions.

    Written to be installed with Michael's Universal Mod Installer.

    It is 100% component system with One file edit

    * ACP (Admin Control Panel)
    * Random Review Display can be turned on of off
    * Random Review image height and width can be defined
    * Top Submitters display can be turned on or off and the number displayed can be set
    * Image upload resize - you define height and width images are to be resized after upload if turned on
    * Global Announcement Block which displays at the top of the Review Mod can be turned on or off
    * Main Page order can be set to Category Name, Category ID, Last Submission, Total Review, Total Views and set to Ascending or Descending
    * Category order can be set to Date, Name, Review ID, Rating, Views and set to Ascending or Descending
    * Moderator Functions - Can choose single or multiple member groups that can moderate submissions if Manually approve submissions is turned on.
    * Discussion Settings - Comments can be turned on or off as well as forum message posting
    * Personal Message (PM) can be turned on or off and will notify submitters when a Review was approved or changed
    * Topic Settings - can be turned on or off and you can customize the text used to create a forum posting with plain text and special variables
    * Usergroup permissions can be set to allow Access, Add, Edit, Rate or add Comments to the Review Mod
    * Supports unlimited categories and subcategories
    * Uses standard RTE editor
    * Can upload a picture with the Review submitted
    * Category Images with newly introduced Image Manager:
    * Ability to browse and upload images from your local computer for use as category images
    * Ability to manage images from within the ACP to easily delete images
    * Ability to have multiple upload folders or create your own
    * Custom Fields:
    * Unlimited number of fields
    * Text Fields with the ability to specify the number of characters
    * Drop Down Fields - for predefined fields that are selectable from a drop down
    * Yes/No Radio Buttons - A simple Yes or no radio button
    * Text Area allows for
    * Select Box - Similar to drop down but you can choose more than one of the choices and they will be separated by a dash. ex: Cheese - Wine - Dinner and are additional fields you could search for to narrow searches down.

    Staff Edit (Andy) , Registration is required on the author's site to purchase.

    Click here to download this file

  3. File Name: Recipe System 2
    File Submitter: ForumResource
    File Submitted: 23 Aug 2008
    File Category: Components

    Fully integrated Recipe system for Invision Power Board 2.2.1 through 2.3.5 with only one edit in your index.php file which is in instructions.

    Written to be installed with Michael's Universal Mod Installer.

    It is a component system with One file edit

    * ACP (Admin Control Panel)
    o Random Recipe Display can be turned on of off
    o Random Recipe image height and width can be defined
    o Top Submitters display can be turned on or off and the number displayed can be set
    o Image upload resize - you define height and width images are to be resized after upload if turned on
    o Global Announcement Block which displays at the top of the Recipe Mod can be turned on or off
    o Main Page order can be set to Category Name, Category ID, Last Submission, Total Recipe, Total Views and set to Ascending or Descending
    o Category order can be set to Date, Name, Recipe ID, Rating, Views and set to Ascending or Descending
    o Moderator Functions - Can choose single or multiple member groups that can moderate submissions if Manually approve submissions is turned on.
    o Discussion Settings - Comments can be turned on or off as well as forum message posting
    o Personal Message (PM) can be turned on or off and will notify submitters when a recipe was approved or changed
    o Topic Settings - can be turned on or off and you can customize the text used to create a forum posting with plain text and special variables
    o Usergroup permissions can be set to allow Access, Add, Edit, Rate or add Comments to the Recipe Mod
    o Permissions are further restricted to the submitter.
    * Supports unlimited categories and subcategories
    * Uses Standard or RTE editor
    * Can upload a picture with the Recipe submitted
    * Category Images with newly introduced Image Manager:
    o Ability to browse and upload images from your local computer for use as category images
    o Ability to have multiple category image folders and they are selectable from the ACP
    o Category images can be designed offline and ftp'ed to the folder /uploads/cat_imgs
    o Ability to manage images from within the ACP to easily delete images
    * Custom Fields:
    o Unlimited number of fields
    o All fields then become selectable for use in any Category from the ACP
    o Text Fields with the ability to specify the number of characters
    o Drop Down Fields - for predefined fields that are selectable from a drop down
    o Yes/No Radio Buttons - A simple Yes or no radio button
    o Text Area allows for
    o Select Box - Similar to drop down but you can choose more than one of the choices and they will be separated by a dash. ex: Cheese - Wine - Dinner and are additional fields you could search for to narrow searches down.

    This modification has been in continuing development for over a year and is updated as necessary. All modifications come with 1 year of free updates and patches.

    Staff Edit (Andy) , Registration is required on the author's site to purchase.

    Click here to download this file

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