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Posts posted by KillianK

  1. 1 hour ago, onlyME said:

    I can not reproduce this problem, can you give me acp access so I can take a look?

    I will add new option to select default sorting for Whats New Block in next version.

    Thanks so much, will PM you

  2. On 07/03/2018 at 5:46 AM, onlyME said:

    Edit your theme > videobox > front > browse > rowGird



    Change it to



    Thanks so much!

    The whats new block is bigger, how do i increase the Video Feed block please, like the Twitch block in the screen?


    Is there are way to have the Whats New Feed Sort by Online as default and not recently updated?


    Thanks for all your help,



  3. Hello,

    Can we make the video pictures bigger, i use gridview 1 and 2 and they come up this small? Maybe like the size of a collection view on your demo site but that maybe using a layout that works.





  4. On 22/09/2016 at 3:53 AM, Mike John said:

    Can you confirm your using the latest version of the Portal app? This should of been fixed in the most recent version.

    Yes we have the latest version

  5. Hello, 

    Portal is not working on our site after the last update by IPB, IPB support recommended this update. I am using the latest version of Portal.

    When I use portal it defaults to Articles



    Your Portal application has bug in how it has configured the URLs it controls. It seems the older version of IPS Community Suite also had a bug which meant that the bug in the Portal application went unnoticed, but 4.1.14 fixed that, revealing this issue.


    You should contact the author of that application. Advise them that in furl.json they should set "topLevel" to "portal" and leave "friendly" blank in the actual page definition. Don't worry if that doesn't make sense, the author should know what I mean.


    Can you help please?

    Thanks in advance,




  6. I'll need admin cp login details to troubleshoot this further. Without knowing what the skin is doing I have no definite instructions for a better style to use.

    Thanks Mike, sent you a pm

  7. You can edit the template from open ACP > Customizations > edit theme > portal > front > browse > index. It's a bit hard to give you the exact edit as the skin might use something different then the default skin but try this.


    <div class='ipsEmbedded_headerArea'>

    Replace With:

    <div class='ipsType_sectionTitle'>

    Ideally the skin author would include support for ipsEmbedded styling as that's used elsewhere in the forums as well.

    Yes to change the Portals tab name, open the language manager and change the "frontnavigation_portal" value.

    Thanks Mike as always for all the work you do for us, I changed the code on the index but no joy, the background should be transparent but showing as white. Any other ideas where to change the news background so I can make my theme transparent?


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