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  1. I can't find a way to auto-use a picture from the post as the share image when sharing the link in discord, facebook, twitter, etc. Setting the default share icon, makes it so it uses it 100% of the time... Not setting it, makes it so no picture is used at all. Any help?
  2. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Well it's been up for renewal again (like the 3rd time, haven't kept count, since originally purchasing), but I haven't renewed yet because afaik none of the services I can utilize have available gateways to utilize them through the app despite being requested more than a year ago and I'm still having quite a few issues / possible bugs that I'd like to have sorted. Pending/unapproved donations still seem to be added to the total donated amount on the goals which leads people to believe it's been met when it hasn't, and deleting a pending donation doesn't remove the amount from the goal (I have to click edit on the goal then submit for it to reset back to what has been approved after deleting the unapproved donations). Randomly when adding donations via admin cp, I'm occasionally sent to a blank white page instead of it loading the proper page... and since no gateways have been made I've had to configure this app as an offline donation mode with details to PM me so I can direct users where to go to send donations via their own accounts on the services we utilize and then manually deal with adding the donations to the app myself. I also have to delete the unapproved donations and manually add them, because if I just click the "approve" on the ones sent through, the app seems to often fail at actually promoting users to the donator group. If you click on a goal on the donation page, it should take you to a page with the goal and donations made on that goal, but instead it spits out an error saying the page doesn't exist. It just doesn't seem worth it to continue forking over ~$40 for renewals when I've already invested like ~$120 towards it and I'm manually having to do everything and work around issues. I just can't justify spending funds on an app meant to automate a process that I'm still being required to manually do. Literally the only thing this has been useful for without gateways to the other services has been to simply list users donated amounts. I'd still like to see gateways for Stripe (credit/debit/prepaid cards & Bitcoins) and GoogleWallet. If it's possible to add these gateways and fix the bugs I'm having, I'll gladly renew, but otherwise I think I'll have to look elsewhere unfortunately. I hope this post isn't seen negatively, as I am greatful for the services you have provided and in most cases you have been excellent in response times and bug fixes on the various addons I've used from you in the past, I just feel like this particular app still hasn't had the kinks worked out to the level it had back on the excellent IPS 3.4.x edition several years back (though back then I wasn't banned from paypal either ).
  3. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Also, should add this (or something similar to the same effect) to the post styling: <div style="clear: both;"></div> Before the line that says replies, views , and add reply. Reason? If you float / right or left align stuff like images, then they overlap that line. Example: The clear: both; line would stop this from being an issue and that 0 replies, 13 views, add reply and the line above it would remain at the bottom.
  4. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    After some time, it seemed to magically sort itself out and started displaying the correct ones. I didn't change any other settings, so it was strange.
  5. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Still can't update the portal app. It tells me: 1C133/9 The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it. Managed to update it by uninstalling it, then manually deleting applications/portal folder and then installing fresh. Not an ideal way to upgrade, but at least it worked. Thanks for keeping the Portal app going for free. UPDATE: Topic sorting doesn't work. If I click to sort by topic start date, it's showing a topic from a month ago being the latest, when there is tons of new topics. If I unclick that so it'll sort by last post, again it shows out of order, the first being a topic that hasn't been responded to in a week. Any fix for this?
  6. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Swapping what out? I don't understand what you want me to do with that code in the box.
  7. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    According to php.net, Phar comes built into PHP since 5.3.0 so there would be no way that it isn't already installed. http://php.net/manual/en/phar.installation.php
  8. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    1. 1C133/9 2. Not sure what this is, but I'm on a dedi, so I can install it if you point me to it. 3. yes. I opened a support ticket with IPS and they told me it's something I'd need to refer to you. -_-
  9. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Getting this error here too: The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it. and the chmod of the application folder is 777 as well as all subdirectories... so that isn't the issue.
  10. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    The new update won't upload. I get this error: The application you uploaded cannot be installed because it is not a valid application, the archive is corrupt or the file and directory permissions in /applications do not allow it.
  11. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Still hoping Stripe gateway can be done soon since it's now become the main option my community utilizes for donations and having to do it outside of this app and then manually add the donation to it is becoming a pain.
  12. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    When do you expect the new bug fixes to be out? Would really like the tracker to stop displaying three different amounts raised depending on which page your on, as well as to stop unapproved donations as being added to the amount raised. People feel less inclined to donate when the goals are showing close or met already even though they're still actually a long way off.
  13. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
  14. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    3.2.10 It's the latest your site shows.
  15. Koby replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Also seems unapproved donations still give users the donation perks of upgrading account, etc. Even when I deleted the donation. I'm currently utilizing Stripe outside of this plugin (since no gateway yet), so I've setup the 'offline gateway' for people to submit with a description to PM me for details. However they just hit submit there and the tracker gives them an unapproved donation and upgrades their account and adds whatever amount they put to the goal. Even though it was never approved/validated and they never actually sent any money. and no that display doesn't happen on default; but only because the style has no borders. Any other theme that has proper borders set (no html, just css themes) end up with that. It doesn't happen on other pages of the donation tracker; just the index. See inside a goal looks like: