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Tom Peace

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Posts posted by Tom Peace

  1. 21 hours ago, DawPi said:

    Hm, show me screen from scanner with infos related to my app. I just installed it on 4.7.3 with PHP 8 and scanner found nothing wrong.

    I have two communities, both having only one additional application (your plugin). I have no other plugin or any other application, only the official community 4.7.3 together with your plugin. Both communities are showing me the same error after the update:

    Could contain: Document, Text, Page, File

    here is more:

    Could contain: Text, Paper

  2. Hello, I've upgraded my community to the latest version and I get this RED box message in connection with your plugin (which is great btw):

    PHP8 Incompatible Customizations

    We are currently in the process of migrating our platform from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to provide you with the greatest level of performance and security. We've identified one or more Applications or Plugins currently installed on your site which contain PHP8 incompatible hooks and/or subclasses. In PHP8, altering overloaded method signatures within a subclass results in a fatal error which can make a site completely inoperable. Also, our hook system relies on subclasses so this change applies to hooks as well. Therefore, this code must be either replaced with an updated version, removed, or disabled from your site as soon as possible.

    If you are not sure what this means, you must contact the Author of any listed Application or Plugin for an updated version. If you cannot update to a PHP8 compatible version, the Application or Plugin will have to be disabled or removed.
    What can be done about this? I really want to continue using your plugin on my forums. I've found some official information about the PHP8 migration here, FYI:
    Thank you for your answer & help!
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