Janyour reacted to a release: 4.7.20 Beta 5
Here's Beta 6
Before the end of the year i hope 🙂
Here's Beta 6
thanks for pushing this out! Any ETA about final release ?
Janyour started following Release Notes v5
Call to undefined function IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\ignore_user_abort()
Thanks, resolved by enabling this on my php !
Call to undefined function IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\ignore_user_abort()
Hello, i am getting this error on some files downloads : Error: Call to undefined function IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\ignore_user_abort() (0) #0 /home/x/webapps/x/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/view.php(585): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_view->_download() #1 /home/x/webapps/x/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_view->download() #2 /home/x/webapps/x/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /home/x/webapps/x/applications/downloads/modules/front/downloads/view.php(62): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #4 /home/x/webapps/x/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\downloads\modules\front\downloads\_view->execute() #5 /home/x/webapps/x/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main} Can you advise please ? In the logs file i find this error repeated +170 times
VahnPetit reacted to a comment: Events update includes additional streaming platforms
Janyour is attending November 2022 Release Chat
Janyour started following Events update includes additional streaming platforms
php8 compatibility
Seems to be working now, i ll share the log file if i see any problems again, thanks !
php8 compatibility
yes i disabled the apps and plugins one by one and it didnt resolve the issue, It seems that some topics pages works and others not, not sure but seems to be topics created by Downloads are not loading...
php8 compatibility
Awesome i thank you, now i can use php8 but seems that topics pages lead to 500 error page ! HTTP ERROR 500 i missed some thing ?
php8 compatibility
Thank you, impossible to find the folder and file ! maybe the ips structure changed between ? extensions/core/Uninstall/Uninstall.php
php8 compatibility
yes i have ftp access ! what i should do exactly ?
php8 compatibility
Thank you guys ! i cant remove this app, it tell me some thing around 2S119/1 / CSRF key :/
php8 compatibility
what i should do ? whats the official name to find it ?
php8 compatibility
php8 compatibility
Janyour started following php8 compatibility
php8 compatibility
Hello, on my backend i can see the system recommending me to use php8, when i set it i get a 500 server error on front/back ends. When i run the php8 checker i see many core files that seems to be not compatible yet, Can you advice please ?
Senior2323 reacted to a comment: New Live Community Features!
Pjo reacted to a comment: Spark more real time engagement with the Trending Content feature
Michael R reacted to a comment: Spark more real time engagement with the Trending Content feature
RevengeFNF reacted to a comment: Spark more real time engagement with the Trending Content feature
Janyour started following Bulk resend validation emails?
Bulk resend validation emails?
hello, i have the same problem, i had a email issue and all accounts created in the last month were not validated, i would like to send email validation to thoose users, any idea ? i dindt see a tool for this 😕