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Posts posted by WalleniuM

  1. File Name: German Language Pack (DE-DU) 2.1.5
    File Submitter: WalleniuM
    File Submitted: 28 Dec 2005
    File Category: Language Packs

    Cache File Version!

    XML Version: http://www.ipbsupport.de/board/index.php?s...opic=4598&st=0# (Thread is in German, download in the first topic! It's ziped twice, please unzip it once and import!)

    WARNING: XML Version could cause charset Problems wit special chars in German (ä,ü,?)

    Translated by Webarche and WalleniuM

    Still some parts to rework, but mostly done.

    see http://www.ipbsupport.de for udates.

    added Blog 1.2.2 Final, Gallery 2.0.5 Final language Pack

    Installationsanleitung Deutsch:
    Im ACP auf "Look & Feel" gehen, Dort "Manage Languages", "Create Language Set" "Base new language set on... ENGLISH", dann auf Create.

    Das neu ertsellte Set in Deutsch umbenennen, dann ein FTP Programm öffnen.

    Unter "Cache/lang_cache/en" befindet sich das Englische Sprachpaket, unter "Cache/lang_cache/x" das noch englische-Klon-Packet. (X steht für eine Zahl, bei einer Neuinstallation des Boards ist das 2). Jetzt einfach den Inhalt den EN Ordners aus der Zip Datei in das X-Verzeichnis kopieren, und schon fertig


    Installation HowTo English:
    Go to ACP, "Look & Feel", "Manage Languages", Create Language Set" which is based on the English language Set. (Base new language set on... "ENGLISH", then CREATE)

    Rename the Set into German or "Deutsch", the open a FTP Client.

    Go to Forum Base Dir., "Cache/lang_cache/, theres a subfolder "en", it contains the english cache-files. There Should be a folder "x", too (x = a number, take the highes one with the newest date). This is the english-cop y createt above. Copy the files in the downloaded "en" folder to the "x" folder, overwrite all existing files. Test if it's german if you select german.

    Click here to download this file

  2. File Name: German Languages Pack for IPB 2.2.2
    File Submitter: WalleniuM
    File Submitted: 02 Nov 2006
    File Category: Language Packs

    XML Version will be included in the Language Pack Release for the final Version!

    I retranslated 70% of the package, should be better now :D

    Installation HowTo English:
    Go to ACP, "Look & Feel", "Manage Languages", Create Language Set" which is based on the English language Set. (Base new language set on... "ENGLISH", then CREATE)

    Rename the Set into German or "Deutsch", the open a FTP Client.

    Go to Forum Base Dir., "Cache/lang_cache/, theres a subfolder "en", it contains the english cache-files. There Should be a folder "x", too (x = a number, take the highes one with the newest date). This is the english-cop y createt above. Copy the files in the downloaded "en" folder to the "x" folder, overwrite all existing files. Test if it's german if you select german.

    Click here to download this file

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