Videos Support
Last time I had upgraded an old community and I'd like also to update your video app, but when I try to update over the marketplace I run into this error: How I could upgrade this, without loosing all content?
A different article styles By Pages ( IP.Content )
Where's to find the new readme for this? On the built-in Marketplace there's no file to download which contain a readme file like on older versions. Please update this here.
Project Manager / Bug&Suggestion Tracker - Supporttopic
Okay, I would write you a pm later for this And when we activate email notification when a issue is assign to a member we got this error: UnderflowException: lang_not_exists__mailsub__projectmanager_notification_projectitem_assigned (0) #0 D:\ipboard\system\Email\Email.php(327): IPS\_Lang->get('mailsub__projec...') #1 D:\ipboard\system\Email\Email.php(591): IPS\_Email->compileSubject(Object(IPS\Member), Object(IPS\Lang)) #2 D:\ipboard\system\Notification\Notification.php(499): IPS\_Email->mergeAndSend(Array, NULL, NULL, Array, Object(IPS\Lang)) #3 D:\ipboard\system\Notification\Notification.php(480): IPS\_Notification->sendEmails(Array, Array) #4 D:\ipboard\applications\projectmanager\sources\Item\Item.php(350): IPS\_Notification->send() #5 D:\ipboard\applications\projectmanager\sources\Item\Item.php(331): IPS\projectmanager\_Item->onAssignTo() #6 D:\ipboard\applications\projectmanager\modules\front\projects\item.php(61): IPS\projectmanager\_Item->assignTo(Object(IPS\Member)) #7 D:\ipboard\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(85): IPS\projectmanager\modules\front\projects\_item->assignTo() #8 D:\ipboard\system\Content\Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #9 D:\ipboard\applications\projectmanager\modules\front\projects\item.php(51): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #10 D:\ipboard\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\projectmanager\modules\front\projects\_item->execute() #11 D:\ipboard\index.php(12): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
Project Manager / Bug&Suggestion Tracker - Supporttopic
There's a issue at the last beta, I can't change the project status from open to closed. In chrome I got only a popup to change the version and a popup with the content (Here). I'm not able to close one on chrome. Perhaps that is an issue by me, I'll take also a look.
Project Manager / Bug&Suggestion Tracker - Supporttopic
@Fosters Jira has much more things, but it looks overpacked. It was more a impression if you want to take a look there
Project Manager / Bug&Suggestion Tracker - Supporttopic
Best Thanks to you, you"re really fast
Project Manager / Bug&Suggestion Tracker - Supporttopic
I"m running the beta from ipb 4.2 and get this message, when I try to delete a member: UPDATE `projectmanager_items` projectmanager_items SET `0`='assigned_to=4',`1`=? IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column '0' in 'field list' (1054) #0 D:\ipboard\system\Db\Db.php(991): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\projectma...', Array) #1 D:\ipboard\applications\projectmanager\extensions\core\MemberSync\ProjectItems.php(127): IPS\_Db->update('`projectmanager...', '`0`=?,`1`=?') #2 [internal function]: IPS\projectmanager\extensions\core\MemberSync\_ProjectItems->onDelete(Object(IPS\Member)) #3 D:\ipboard\system\Member\Member.php(3379): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #4 D:\ipboard\system\Member\Member.php(288): IPS\_Member->memberSync('onDelete') #5 D:\ipboard\applications\core\modules\admin\members\members.php(1911): IPS\_Member->delete(true, false) #6 D:\ipboard\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(86): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_members->delete() #7 D:\ipboard\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(143): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #8 D:\ipboard\admin\index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main}
Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com
Our new site is not online at the moment, I had take a look on thw demo page, I thought this is an issue. Will this theme updated to 4.2? When you like I write you a pm
Chameleon Dark // ipsfocus.com
I would like to blue articles and the comment boxes, how I can do this if this could be posaible? I had found this script: {{if theme.bonusToggle}} if (detectDevice() > 25){ // Add blurred elements only on desktop var addBlurTo = ".ipsBreadcrumb, #header, #userBar, #ipsf_picker, .ipsButtonBar, .ipsfocus_megaFooter, .ipsWidget, .ipsPageHeader, #ipsLayout_footer, {{if theme.simpleTopicLayout}}.cTopic .ipsBox.cPost, {{endif}} .ipsfocus_guestBillboard"; $( addBlurTo ).prepend( "<div class='blur-image-wrap'><div class='blur-image'></div></div>" ); $( ".blur-image-wrap").each(function(){ // Windows offset needs to be different due to scrollbar if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') != -1) { // Mac var boxPositionTop = $(this).offset().top - 5; var boxPositionLeft = $(this).offset().left - 5; } else { // PC var boxPositionTop = $(this).offset().top + 3; var boxPositionLeft = $(this).offset().left + 3; } $(this).css({ "background-position" : "-" + boxPositionLeft + "px -" + boxPositionTop + "px" }); }); } {{endif}}
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Sorry (soled)
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Pages SuperHelp support topic
Hey, I'm trying out your help desk, how I can setup the record view with the smarter icons left and the big text on the right?