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Justin Bowman

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Everything posted by Justin Bowman

  1. As I understand twitch was removed from 4.6 due to the removal of the api for oembed. From the research ive done it is possible to do embeds again https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/embed/everything And I'd love to see this return for myself and other communities.
  2. Same, twitch is a pretty major social media platform now. And doesn't just cater to gamer.
  3. I purchased this today and I am able to link my account and get the bot to join my discord but when i click next it kicks me back to the api credentials. Is there a installation guide somewhere for this?
  4. I've created a new database and set it to a non-category article mode. But when i embed content the content is cutoff. Is there something I can change at a code level that will make the full article appear?