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Posts posted by Damelaz

  1. I don't allow any changes to any of the code, and if they do, they are violating my terms.

    okay i can understand that


    For some reason BBcode only works within the Administrators tab.

    what i found was a fix for it to work with in the Iabout tab on the front end of the app
    and well its not 2 files but only 1
    a small fix to get the html/bbcode to work

    still a nice app looking forward for the ipb 3.1 version

    regards JamNet
  2. nice app but uhm andy you will or may hate me for this :rolleyes:

    to make the bbcode work you need to edit 2 files and change html bbcode to 1 insteed of 0

    but andy listen he when they dowload your app/addon they may make some change to fit what they want BUT they may not change or remove the copyright code or resell it but they may change everthing else

    regards JamNet

  3. i got a error after installing this app on local, when i hit the app button in my apps

    im receiving this error

    Fatal error: Class 'IPSApplicationsIterator' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\ipb\admin\applications_addon\other\devtools\modules_admin\manage\export.php  on line 102

    my local installation of ipb
    is ipb 3.0.5
    and is already in dev mod

    can this cause a problem

    plz any help on this

  4. File Name: (SOS30) Hide Component's Tabs from Groups v1.0.0

    File Submitter: Adriano Faria

    File Submitted: 23 Aug 2009


    This MOD will allow to hide component's tab from specific groups.

    <b>Files Affected</b>:


    after install blank screen i follow every step but still a blank screen
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