REQ: Discord Integration
@SoftwareFactory Has been MIA since August 6, 2023.
REQ: Discord Integration
With my current discord integration add-on dead I'm in need of a replacement as I'm currently stuck on Invision Community v4.7.12. My community depends on this integration. This is how people register to my community. This is how I block bots or bad actors from joining our discord. This is how I sync user role permissions, and this is how my discord bot communicates with invision community (API). I'm hoping someone will take it on and sell to all who want it. If not I can discuss hiring someone to create and maintain this add-on for my website.
Rick7C2 started following Commerce Item Description and image , Custom Redirects , Members Shop ( Support Topic ) and 2 others
Custom Redirects
I would like to purchase this but it says... What is the issue?
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
I submitted a support ticket, and got the following response from Jim Morrissey. "You would need to try to uninstall and reinstall the theme if the language strings did not install. I'm afraid, this is something which the theme provider would need to ensure is working with their install file." <END> I have already uninstalled and reinstalled. Same issue. I will send you a private message with more information that should be kept private soon.
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
I'm not sure if the last update was supposed to address this, but I'm still having issues with the ACP.
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Would it be possible to add API endpoints so I can allow members to earn points and spend points externally from IPB? My goal is to create a Discord bot that rewards points for various things. I would just need API endpoints that would allow me to do the following... Add points to user. Remove points from user. Retrieve point count for user Withdraw points from bank for user Deposit points to bank for user Check points balance in bank for user
Twitch Sub Verification and Directory (Support Topic)
I would buy this addon just for that feature. To sync group promotions based on if user is subbed on twitch or not.
Twitch Sub Verification and Directory (Support Topic)
Will this auto remove the group promotion if they unsubscribe?
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
Nothing is showing up in lang search. In fact nothing containing "fluent" exist in languages. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling theme.
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
[Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support
I just purchased this skin but something is definitely wrong. A lot of missing template phrases or something. How do I fix this? AdminCP Theme Settings Forum view Who's online
Red numerical notification badge in AdminCP
You were right it was an update for an addon. I think the update available bubble should be red to help locate the issue.
Red numerical notification badge in AdminCP
I have noticed a red numerical notifacation badge in AdminCP under System > Applications I don't see anything in the list of applications that needs attention. What does this mean, and how do I resolve it. It's got my OCD going crazy! 😬
Commerce Item Description and image
OMG I think I need a nap. I was looking all over, and honestly couldn't find it. Thank you!
Commerce Item Description and image
I was just trying out the Commerce feature and added an item for purchase. I can see a placeholder image for this item and a "Product information" section. However I can figure out how to modify these two things. Is it in a different location in ACP?
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