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Posts posted by MSLIMITED

  1. File Name: Keyword Sniffer / Tags
    File Submitter: MSLIMITED
    File Submitted: 03 Jul 2008
    File Category: Integration Modules

    Our Keywords Logger script logs the keywords used at most major search engines when a user visits your site following a link from the search engine. By checking the referer we are able to extract the exact keywords used and store them in a database. The script also supports an API to display the keywords for a page as tags, and a tag-search feature so users can find other pages with similar content. Ultimately this helps improve your search engine visibility for these keywords as the more they're used, the more visible they are on your site.

    * * Easy to add to ANY PHP script. Just one include line
    * * Keywords search results page is fully skinnable
    * * No embedded language strings - everything is handled in the template
    * * No copyright to worry about
    * * Search engine list is fully configurable
    * * Script can automatically modify your keywords meta tag
    * * Supports mysql and mysqli php database connectors
    * * Completely standalone logic - does not rely on any third party libraries of any kind

    Instructions specific for IPB included in our Customer forums at http://communityseo.com/forums/forums.html

    Click here to download this file

  2. File Name: FireWall Script RC1
    File Submitter: MSLIMITED
    File Submitted: 20 Jun 2008
    File Category: Components

    FireWall Script is the world's first fully configurable PHP-based website firewall. It can work with any PHP application, and we even offer "packs" for some of the most popular software to help get you started.

    * Can work with any PHP script
    * Included admin control panel allows full configuration of the software
    * Support for multiple administrators. You can add, edit, and delete accounts from the admin panel.
    * Admin panel update notification and news feeds keep you up to date on FWS
    * Fully configurable DOS protection allows you to block access to your site for a user when they have multiple requests in a short period of time
    * Fully configurable rules
    * CAPTCHA support in rules allows you to show a CAPTCHA verification on any matched request
    * Akismet integration allows you to do everything you can with rules when submitted text is identified as spam
    * Admin login logs allow you to keep track of which administrators are using the admin panel
    * Traffic logs for all traffic on your site (archived daily)
    * Blocked request logs show you what was blocked and show you everything PHP had available during the request so you can review blocked requests
    * Spam logs show you requests identified as spam through Akismet
    * DOS logs show you requests identified as DOS attacks and subsequently blocked
    * Help section gives you quick access to support for the software
    * Specify rule title, notes and category for your own referencing and categorization
    * Ability to log requests blocked by rule
    * Ability to get email notifications for requests blocked by rules
    * For requests matching a rule you can allow the request, exit script execution, show an error, show specified HTML, redirect to another page, execute a custom php plugin, or even show a CAPTCHA verification
    * Ability to look in all PHP superglobals
    * Full regex power gives you the ability to look for what you want, where you want

    Click here to download this file

  3. File Name: CSEO: Tagging Module
    File Submitter: MSLIMITED
    File Submitted: 20 Jun 2008
    File Category: Components

    Our tagging module expands your IPB installation to allow your members to 'tag' content, giving it relevant keyword associations to better interlink related content on your site. Our tagging module can be used on any section of your site, even in your third party/custom components. You can let members freely enter tags or you can define which tags your members can select from. This module is sure to get your members active, improve resource usage by limiting the amount of searching your members do, and make your site that much more interlinked between related content.

    * * Supports Invision Power Board versions 2.2.x and 2.3.x
    * * Admin can turn tag system on/off
    * * Admin can specify which groups can add tags
    * * Admin can specify which groups can edit their own tags
    * * Admin can specify which groups can edit anyone's tags
    * * Admin can specify which groups can delete their own tags
    * * Admin can specify which groups can delete anyone's tags
    * * Admin can allow freeform tag submissions, or require members to select from a predefined list
    * * Admin can specify disallowed tags (i.e. "badword" or "banned" list)
    * * Admin can set system to only allow tagging on your own content, or on anyone's content
    * * Module features a tag cloud
    * * Admin can set how many instances of a tag is required to give it a '+1' font sizing in the tag cloud
    * * Admin can ban individual users from submitting/deleting tags via the ACP
    * * Logs in the ACP for all additions, edits and deletes to keep track of what your members are doing
    * * Tag addition field uses typeahead hinting to help you limit the number of similar tags used
    * * Tags can be applied anywhere on the site with just a skin edit (*and one file edit to allow IPB's 'php' HTML logic tags)
    * * Tags are added, edited and removed via AJAX
    * * Tags search results show a similar tags box (i.e. if you followed the link for "test" it might show "testing" and "tester" as well)
    * * Tags search results show a related tags box (i.e. if you followed the link for "test" it would show tags used in conjunction with "test")
    * * Tag Cloud portal plugin for the default IPB portal provided

    Click here to download this file

  4. File Name: CSEO: Adsense Revenue Sharing Module
    File Submitter: MSLIMITED
    File Submitted: 20 Jun 2008
    File Category: Modifications

    Our Ad-Revenue Sharing Module allows you to share your advertising space with your contributing members. Members enter in their Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher account information, and when they post throughout your forums they increase their chance of their ads being displayed. You control whose ads display and who sees the ads. Ultimately, by providing a way for your members to make money on your site, you are giving them incentive to post more often, increasing activity on your site, while not spending money out of pocket in the mean time.

    * * Supports Invision Power Board versions 2.2.x and 2.3.x
    * * You can enable/disable the addon at any time
    * * You control who sees the ads (great for giving something extra for "subscribers" or special members)
    * * You can enter your Google Adsense client id and channel id, and your Yahoo! Publisher id and section id, in the admin CP
    * * You control the probability that your ads will be displayed
    * * You control the probability that the topic starter's ads will be displayed
    * * You control the probability that the last poster's ads will be displayed
    * * You control the probability of any other poster's ads being displayed
    * * Only one simple file edit required
    * * No resource overhead added to your site

    Click here to download this file

  5. File Name: CommunitySEO 1.2.2
    File Submitter: MSLIMITED
    File Submitted: 20 Jun 2008
    File Category: Modifications

    CommunitySEO is fully customizable offering integration capabilities with any third party script. In fact we have a whole forum with user-contributed rules to allow CommunitySEO to rewrite and understand several of the more popular modifications out there. Here's a sampling of some of the bigger features:

    * * Supports Invision Power Board versions 2.2.x, and 2.3.x
    * * Friendly URL (FURL) support for all IPB pages
    * * Custom transliteration support for international users
    * * Google Sitemap generator
    * * New "Search Engine Spiders" group
    * * New "Spider" skin
    * * Comprehensive Spider list
    * * Improved spider activity logging
    * * robots.txt file included
    * * Configurable global meta tags
    * * Configurable per-forum meta tags
    * * Social network integration
    * * Acronym expansion
    * * Stats inflation
    * * Google analytics integration
    * * Similar Topics block
    * * Linkback/Pingback/Trackback support
    * * Ability to block duplicate content from being indexed
    * * Ability to specify lofi as alternate content
    * * Ability to add nofollow attribute to duplicate content
    * * Ability to add nofollow attribute to external links
    * * Ability to block error pages from being indexed
    * * Ability to redirect spiders to a page from error pages
    * * Ability to add many relevant meta tags
    * * Add proper 301 headers to redirects
    * * Redirect requests of dynamic urls to static urls
    * * Redirect invalid static url requests to correct static urls
    * * ACP-editable .htaccess and robots.txt
    * * Plugin functionality for third-party addons
    * * Full support for IP.Blog, IP.Gallery and IP.Downloads IPS addons

    Full support via our client center is provided with your license.

    The software is ioncube-encoded and requires either ioncube loaders be pre-loaded on your server, or that your server allow them to load at runtime. Please contact us for more information if you are not clear on this. The software will discontinue functioning on your license expiration date unless you purchase a perpetual license.

    License costs: $150 for perpetual license, $120 for a yearly license and $60 for 6-month license

    Click here to download this file

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