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  1. Thank you guys! I will give a try your suggestions!
  2. Hi all! I want to create questionnaire for my member in order to collect some statistics. Since I don't want to use a third party plugin, I am trying to create it with the Pages/Database. Is there any way to ensure that each member will be able to only one entry?
  3. I actually just did one simple edit in the code and set the desired language as default!
  4. I think this just happened to be working for your case! From the IPS Docs.. There are many cases where the translations of an operating system (eg. Windows) is not really good so many users prefer the English language as default for the OS. In my case, my website is about people who live abroad.. so many of my members use computers in other language.. also the location will not be the same so in most case IPS will fall back to English. In general I see no point of having the option "Set as Members' language" in languages if it will be ignored anyway..
  5. It appears that the includes were getting loaded in the page. I disabled all the extra .js and .css and now it works fine.. and it even loads fast! I will have to investigate more about how to include .js that does not interfere with the current code. Not sure how to close this topic..! Cheers!
  6. Hi there! I am trying to build a custom database where my members can submit records. I created a custom template to display each individual record.. the template displays text information along with 4-5 images. The issue I have is that when I am trying from the front end to add/edit a new record, it gives me the option to upload only the first photo. The rest fields are shown only as titles.. You can see in the upload_01.png, "Photo 1" gives the option to upload an image while the rest are like inactive. In the upload_02.png, I swapped the fields and now for "Photo 2" I have the option to upload a photo.. and all the rest.. inactive. I have the permissions for the database in a way that everyone can view/edit/add content.. same for the page and for each field sepparately. From the Admin menu when I try to add a record everything looks fine. Thoughts.. The add/edit page takes a significant amount to load like 35 seconds! This is a extremely slow for my webserver which is dedicated and kinda powerfull. Could this somehow interfere with the form when loading? For the Display template I have a few .js files and css loading. But they should not be loaded in the add/edit page since I do not have a special template for it.. Plus I remind you from the Admin panel it works just fine. Is there any way to troubleshoot ? Thanks in advance! Edit: Another issue I noticed and I think causes huge delays for the page to load is the image source_01.PNG. Could this also be causing the issue with the form?
  7. The images on your members seem to be fine.. is the issue fixed now for you? Another question.. do you use cPanel for your hosting ? If yes, then there is also an option to force all the requests to http to become https. If I remember well you can do that from the "Domains" menu. Not sure if that will help.. Also I remember that when I did the same thing.. it took several hours before everything worked just fine..(and yes I did the trick with the cache on the ip board). One last thing.. I remember but also not sure if related.. is to make sure you have a cronjob running on your site to make sure things are rolling. Cheers!
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