I am glad you tried to learn more about our case, at the same time I consider my statements to be precise. We have been your customers for quite some time now, and yes, the support is generally very prompt and satisfactory. However with our 2 packages we have purchased lately we are facing problems, which we have not caused, which are making our web presentation unusable and which have not been resolved since our first request on 12 December. If you check today again our reminder-tickets are open for 4 days. Believe me I don't feel good as a customer and an administrator waiting every day on your support ticket status change and having it for 4 days open, knowing our presentations are down and our readers can't use them during this xmas time.
Our problem is very easy to describe. We have 3 installations of IPB package total.. The first one we installed without problems, we have manually translated it to our Czech language and we are very happy about it. The problem of the other two is, that we cannot import the Czech language set we made by any ways to them and as such the presentation looks Chinese. (some encoding problem) We have purchased the product, the product was supposed to be able to import language sets but it does not.
Your technicians are willing to help, they come, try what they can, when it doesn't work they leave, we are waiting and after 3 days send a reminder, the scenario repeats and now we are waiting for another 4 days. Maybe for you it is some marginal problem that you consider not falling into your scope of work, but for me it is an essential function of the board which - if not working - would not enable me to purchase the packages because for us (and I assume for any other customer) it would be unrealistic to manually translate all the language sets of all the modules being upgraded in future times number of our presentations.
I was PMessaging with Brandon (who was very helpful), hoping he'd be able to push things but as I noticed your post I am responding to you in public. Your statement
Is unfortunately not correct.
Let me please assure you that we are generally very satisfied with your products, they are giving us great comfort administering our presentations, offering great functionality and we are planning to purchase another two more community packages, I believe and wish this case is somehow an isolated one and we all can take it as a lesson learnt.