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Posts posted by AlienDog

  1. Unable to update to latest version, so I uninstalled the app, but I get this when I go to the app in marketplace;

    This resource is already installed and up to date

    Wen to see for the files to also manually delete everything and I believe I found the right folder to delete, but still get the same message. Cant seem to find any ways to manually download the files. Any ideas?

  2. Yep, I know. But I was thinking it was a good idea to allow the members to get a coupon code that they could use for a week and post ads for free, to get the Classifieds section populated faster and so that our paying members, who have upgraded to be able to post in our current sales forum, doesn't have to pay again ;) I'll figures something out with the current tools that are available, but it would be nice to be able to allow members to use coupons to get discounts, etc as regular via commerce ;)

  3. Hi. Just a quick question: While testing the system after installation, I have created a paid ad, as the admin. Have removed the ability for admin to create free ads and I am taken to the invoice to pay. I have then created a coupon code with 100% discount, as I want to give my members the possibility to add ads for free for a while. When adding the coupon on checkout, I get the following error message;

    "Sorry, there is a problem. You do not have permission to approve PAID submissions.

    Error code: CL-APPROVE/1"

    Also tested this via members account and get the same error, so I am not able to offer our members to add a coupon with 100% discount right now.

    Might be a setting I have missed, but I have looked many, many times now without being able to figure this one out. Then again; men and searching for stuff ;)

  4. I know you are probably getting tired of getting this question, but I am also one of the forum owners that is hold back to upgrade to v4 until this is ready, as we have tons of user that use this on a daily basis. I know they can be hard to give, but a ballpark ETA on this would be appreciated (This week, this month, next month)?


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