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Invision Community's latest update, 4.6, is officially out! 

To celebrate, we hosted a live event on Zoom.

I, alongside two of the three Invision Community co-founders @Charles and @Matt (shout-out to @Lindy) sat down for a roundtable talk to chat about some of the slickest features 4.6 has to offer.

If you'd like to refresh your memory with exactly what features we implemented in 4.6, check out our detailed blog post (after you're done watching our live event above, of course). 

It includes:

  • Achievements
  • Spam Improvements
  • Health dashboard
  • Web app and push notifications
  • Anonymous posting
  • Solved content
  • Show when a team member has replied

Did you catch the low-key Smart Community announcement? ðŸ™ƒ

We also wanted to take the time to answer a few questions we received during the live event that we couldn't get to in the moment.

Question: regarding the anonymous posting... is it completely anonymous (like no record is stored of who posted it) or is just a pseudo thing, like it shows "anonymous" but admins/mods can see who posted it?

Answer: The community owner can choose whether moderators can see the true identity of the user. This uses the built in moderator permissions so they can have it so all moderators, just specific moderators or nobody can see this info.


Question: Is the translation service be hosted by IPS or do we need to use Google or Bing services on our community?

Answer: It will be a turnkey service provided by Invision Community.


Question: Does Achievements show how many x Points are left to the next level?

Answer: Yup!

Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 10.54.46 AM.png



Question: When will Smart Community be available?

Unsatisfying Answer: We are excited to share more details on Smart Community soon!


We appreciate you participating / watching our first-ever live event. We're planning on doing more, so keep an eye out for the next one.

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Concerns? Drop us a line in the comments!