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IP.Nexus 1.2 Dev Update: Custom Packages Improvements

IP.Nexus has always had the ability create "custom packages" - you can specify a price and renewal terms and IP.Nexus will keep a log of the purchase and generate renewal invoices.
However, some options like member group promotion, custom modules, etc. are not available in this setup - and with the addition of advertisements and hosting packages, it is necessary to be able to generate custom packages of these types also.

In IP.Nexus 1.2 we've completely rewritten how custom packages are handled to allow this flexibility.
When generating an invoice, the normal "Custom Package" option appears in the dropdown - choosing this will show you a menu of available package types just like when creating a normal package.

The next screen shows all of the options that would normally be available to normal packages (except settings which don't make sense for custom packages, such as if the product should display in the store or only be available to certain member groups):

After creating the custom package and the invoice has been paid for, it displays just like a normal purchase, both in the Admin CP and the client area:

Administrators can of course edit any of the custom package settings from this page.

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