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IP.Nexus 1.1 Dev Update: Charts & Graphs

As mentioned in my blog entry last week, even though IP.Nexus 1.1 is still very much in development, we're going to be posting periodic blog entries throughout development to keep you up to date with the latest new features.

In IP.Nexus 1.1, we're going to be adding reporting features for a number of different statistics:

  • The number of items sold (grouped by package).
  • The amount of income made (grouped by payment method).
  • The number of new support requests created (grouped by department).
  • The number of staff replies made in support requests (grouped by staff member).

All of these charts can be viewed as a Bar Chart a Line Chart or a Pie Chart. Bar and Line Charts will show the results against time, while a Pie Chart will allow you to compare different groups.

All charts allow you to customise the series shown, allowing you to have any number of series and to group results together as a series.

All charts can also be viewed accross a number of different time scales:
  • Results for a single day (On Bar and Line Charts, results will be shown for each hour of the day)
  • Results for a week (On Bar and Line Charts, results will be shown for each day of the week)
  • Results for a month (On Bar and Line Charts, results will be shown for each day of the month)
  • Results for a year (On Bar and Line Charts, results will be shown for each month of the year)
  • Results for all time (On Bar and Line Charts, results will be shown for each year)

Of course, you can select which time period to focus on - so you could for example, view the amount of income made last year, or the number of support requests created 2 weeks ago (or whatever).

(The options are contextual depending on the view - so if the chart you're looking at is for an entire year, only the dropdown for year will show.)

Here are some screenshots:

This is a line chart showing income for the year 2010:

This is a bar chart showing the purchases for two different packages over the course of a week:

This is a pie chart showing the number of replies different staff members have made in a month:

This is a line chart showing the number of support requests for two different departments over the course of a day:

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