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IP.Nexus Dev Update: Credits

In several of our previous blog entry about IP.Nexus, we've mentioned "credits".

Credit, is simply money which is stored on the account. When IP.Nexus "pays" a users (commission for a referral purchase, for example) it adds credit to their account.
The administrator can of course award credit manually from the customer page in the Admin CP.

A user which has credit on their account can use it against purchases. On the checkout screen, they will see a link like this:

Clicking that will deduct the user's credit amount from the balance to pay.
If the amount of credit is greater than the balance, IP.Nexus will recognise that payment has been received and display the thank you page (or redirect the user to the download page for IP.Downloads purchases).

In addition to using credit for purchases, if the administrator allows, users can request that their credit be paid to them.

In the client area, users will see an "Account Credit" section from which they can request a payout.

The user will then be alerted on the Admin CP dashboard that there is a pending payout request. They can view all payout requests in the Admin CP.

Clicking the Pay option will allow admins to complete the payout request. For PayPal, this will take the admin straight to PayPal and the request will automatically be removed upon completion.

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