For 3 hours, I struggled with editing CMS records of different databases, each with many custom fields.
Each time I try, I get a template error. Anyways, the problem was with the next function in record.php:
protected function sendQuoteAndMentionNotifications( array $exclude=array() ): array
$data = array( 'quotes' => array(), 'mentions' => array(), 'embeds' => array() );
$className = 'IPS\cms\Fields' . static::$customDatabaseId;
/* @var $className Fields */
foreach ( $className::data() as $field )
if ( $field->type == 'Editor' )
$key = "field_{$field->id}";
$_data = static::_getQuoteAndMentionIdsFromContent( $this->$key );
foreach ( $_data as $type => $memberIds )
$_data[ $type ] = array_filter( $memberIds, function( $memberId ) use ( $field )
return $field->can( 'view', Member::load( $memberId ) );
} );
$data = array_map( 'array_unique', array_merge_recursive( $data, $_data ) );
return $this->_sendQuoteAndMentionNotifications( $data, $exclude );
Replacing it with this one will solve the issue:
protected function sendQuoteAndMentionNotifications(array $exclude = array()): array
$data = array('quotes' => array(), 'mentions' => array(), 'embeds' => array());
$className = 'IPS\cms\Fields' . static::$customDatabaseId;
/* @var $className Fields */
foreach ($className::data() as $field) {
if ($field->type == 'Editor') {
$key = "field_{$field->id}";
// Check if $this->$key is not null and is a string
if (!empty($this->$key) && is_string($this->$key)) {
$_data = static::_getQuoteAndMentionIdsFromContent($this->$key);
foreach ($_data as $type => $memberIds) {
$_data[$type] = array_filter($memberIds, function ($memberId) use ($field) {
return $field->can('view', Member::load($memberId));
$data = array_map('array_unique', array_merge_recursive($data, $_data));
} else {
\IPS\Log::log("Field content is empty or invalid for key: {$key}", 'invalid_field_content');
return $this->_sendQuoteAndMentionNotifications($data, $exclude);
Changes Made:
1. Check for Valid Content: Before calling _getQuoteAndMentionIdsFromContent, the code now checks if $this->$key is not empty and is a string (if (!empty($this->$key) && is_string($this->$key))). This prevents passing null to the method.
2. Logging for Invalid Content: If the content is null or not a string, it logs a message to help with debugging.
I hope this will be useful and fixed in the next release.
Notice: I don't know if this is the right way to fix the bug, but it works.
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